The Romantic Agenda by Claire Kann

e-Audio, 09:58:09
Narrated by: Adrienne Walker
Release Date: April 12, 2022
Published by: Books on Tape
Read from: July 2-5, 2022
Source: Library’s Libby
TW: Acephobia/Arophobia, Panic Attacks/Disorders
For Readers Interested In: LBGTQ+ (Asexual), Romance, Realistic Fiction, Adult

     Joy is in love with Malcolm.
     But Malcolm really likes Summer.
     Summer is in love with love.
     And Fox is Summer’s ex-boyfriend.

     Thirty, flirty, and asexual Joy is secretly in love with her best friend Malcolm, but she’s never been brave enough to say so. When he unexpectedly announces that he’s met the love of his life—and no, it’s not Joy—she’s heartbroken. Malcolm invites her on a weekend getaway, and Joy decides it’s her last chance to show him exactly what he’s overlooking. But maybe Joy is the one missing something…or someone…and his name is Fox.
     Fox sees a kindred spirit in Joy—and decides to help her. He proposes they pretend to fall for each other on the weekend trip to make Malcolm jealous. But spending time with Fox shows Joy what it’s like to not be the third wheel, and there’s no mistaking the way he makes her feel. Could Fox be the romantic partner she’s always deserved?


I knew I needed to get my hands on this one, one because of the Black woman on the cover. (Y’all know how I am lol) And two because of the asexual representation I knew to be in it. I read Kann’s debut from back in the day where I learned that she was asexual. I knew the rep would be done right and it was going to be so, so good. And I was right. At least on those two things.

The first thing I wanted to talk about was the miscommunication tho. IT WAS SO LOUDDDDDD. Y’all also know how I am about this. I found myself to be so annoyed throughout the entire thing because I kept yelling at her to “just tell him.” It was so weird. She was so big and bad for everything, but not that? And like y’all were so close, you couldn’t explain to him not to get weirded out but hey this is what it is? Especially how deep she felt for him. I just thought it was weird and it got annoying sometimes.

Other than that, I liked it. ESPECIALLY the relationship with Joy and Fox and Joy and Malcolm. It was messy as hell. Yes it was messy, but that was what I liked about it. I loved the way she got to know Fox and how she never even saw him coming. They crashed right into each other and didn’t even know it. As for Malcolm and Joy, I was not a fan of them, but it was really like a train wreck. I hate this analogy, but iy really was. And I couldn’t look away. They were both so strong willed but also scared, but they couldn’t be real together.

This brings me to the rep in this book. Seeing the anxiety rep in this was almost painful. I mean the spiraling and the way she did so many impulsive things? It was so so real. I think that was part of the reason I didn’t like the stuff between her and Malcolm… It also stressed me out and made my shoulders go up to my ears. I didn’t want to see her hurt and I could tell she just wasn’t trying to put two and two together. I felt more like her sister than Joy. The asexual rep was also done really well, as it was an ownvoices book. I loved the way she included explanations to those that didn’t understand in the book. I think I’ll be recommending this just because of the rep.

This book was so good in so many ways, but the one glaring thing was the miscommunication. I think if it wasn’t such a big part of the plot I would have enjoyed it even more. Yes I know it’s a real thing, but I don’t care for it in real life either. I’m just not that into it. Maybe y’all might be. Read it and let me know how you feel about it.

Overall, I give this

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