The Chapel Wars by Lindsey Leavitt

e-ARC, 303 pages

Release Date: May 06, 2014
Published by: Bloomsbury
Source: Netgalley
For fans of: Contemporary Romance, Chick-lit, LOL, Sparkly Covers, Realistic Fiction
     Sixteen-year-old Holly wants to remember her Grandpa forever, but she’d rather forget what he left her in his will: his wedding chapel on the Las Vegas strip. Whatever happened to gold watches, savings bonds, or some normal inheritance?
     And then there’s Grandpa’s letter. Not only is Holly running the business with her recently divorced parents, but she needs to make some serious money—fast. Grandpa also insists Holly reach out to Dax, the grandson of her family’s mortal enemy and owner of the cheesy chapel next door. No matter how cute Dax is, Holly needs to stay focused: on her group of guy friends, her disjointed family, work, school and… Dax. No wait, not Dax.
     Holly’s chapel represents everything she’s ever loved in her past. Dax might be everything she could ever love in the future. But as for right now, there’s a wedding chapel to save.


     When I heard about this book I was a little weirded out… A YA book about wedding chapels? But then I saw the cover and all that went out the window lol I had to read it regardless of the synopsis. And low and behold I really enjoyed it. It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but at the same time, like i said, it’s a YA book about wedding chapels….
I guess it’s hard to be the villain without a hero.
pg. 60
     The Nolan’s and the Cranston’s work right across from each other in rival wedding chapels in Las Vegas, Nevada.The rivalry starts with Jim Nolan and Victor Cranston and flows back to Holly Nolan (Jim’s granddaughter) and Dax (Victor’s grandson). Right up until now. Dax and Holly meet at Jim’s funeral and as they fall for each other things start to change into something they were never expecting. 
Sometimes you have to focus on what you need and forget what you want.
pg. 66
     Holly is very hard headed. She reminded me a little of myself. Once I get something in my head, I’m going to go all out until I can fix it. And that’s what she was like. She knew all the drama that was going on with that chapel and she knew that it was her responsibility. She did everything she could to keep it. Even if it meant doing things she vowed (pun not intended) she’d never do. I really respected that about her. For her to be seventeen, she really was a mature, respectable woman.
A lot of things end badly. But that doesn’t mean you don’t start something anyway.
pg. 110
     As for Dax, I’m not sure how I felt about him exactly. I had found a thousand ways to dislike him, but he found a thousand and one ways to prove to me that he was a god guy. I think it was just his family getting to me. I mean I know he was a realist, but at the same time, he said it in a way that seemed just plain mean. I guess I identified with Holly and her trying to like save it and all, and Dax just seemed like a pessimist there to pop her balloon. 
Then what do you do with your emotions?’ ‘Feel them. Sometimes I numb them. Either way, your truth play on.
pg. 125
     Them together was hilarious though. There are so many laugh out loud moments. Let me just say “Hello Kitty”, “Cupid”, and Paranormal Paradises with cardboard cutouts of Edward Cullen. Yes all this happens in this book lmao  
We’re all messed up,” I said. “I think life is just about finding the right people to be messed up with.
pg. 212
     This was everything I was expecting it NOT to be. And I mean that in the best way possible. With this as my first book by Leavitt, I’m sure it won’t be my last. This Rom Com is one I’m sure to be talking about for awhile. 
Overall, I give this

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