e-Audio, 10:50:57
Narrated by: Shayna Small
Release Date: April 2, 2024
Published by: Macmillan Audio (Flatiron Books)
Read from: March 24, 2024
Stand-alone (Anthology)
Source: Netgalley (I received a copy of this e-audiobook from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
For Readers Interested In: Horror, YABe warned, dear reader: The Black girls survive in this one.
Celebrating a new generation of bestselling and acclaimed Black writers, The Black Girl Survives in This One makes space for Black girls in horror. Fifteen chilling and thought-provoking stories place Black girls front and center as heroes and survivors who slay monsters, battle spirits, and face down death. Prepare to be terrified and left breathless by the pieces in this anthology.
The bestselling and acclaimed authors include Erin E. Adams, Monica Brashears, Charlotte Nicole Davis, Desiree S. Evans, Saraciea J. Fennell, Zakiya Dalila Harris, Daka Hermon, Justina Ireland, L. L. McKinney, Brittney Morris, Maritza & Maika Moulite, Eden Royce, and Vincent Tirado, with a foreword by Tananarive Due.
As soon as I heard about this book, I was hella excited. Did I know who was going to be in it? No. Did I know if they would be actually scary? No. But I still NEEDED it. And yes I do mean Need.
Of course, as I say with all anthologies, there were some I really liked and some that I didn’t really care for. But for this one, I can honestly say there weren’t that many I wasn’t a fan of. Most of them were really good. Like the one from Justina Ireland and L.L. McKinney’s. Those were the ones I remembered from the top of my head. But the one that stood out the most was the one by Desiree S. Evans. I feel like I’m saying every author’s name lol But they really were good.
I do hate to say this, but there were some that I didn’t exactly care for. Like the one about the phone and the other about the epi pens. As someone with a peanut allergy, this wasn’t exactly fun? So I guess it’s medical horror, but like as someone with a peanut allergy, I could have used a content warning on this. My heart stopped. But I didn’t get too angry about them because it they were all short stories. But I pushed through and read all of them.
As soon as I saw this book was a thing, I knew there was going to be no way that I DIDN’T read this. Literally all of these authors are amazing! And with some of them, like The Skittering Thing, even their titles were creepy lol And I loved that. If you’re a horror newbie or a weenie (as described by my friend who is not a horror fan) there’s also some things in here for you. There’s something for everyone and I hope this doesn’t deter you!
Overall, I give this