TGIF & Follow Friday!!!

Its that time again! Friday! As Rhianna says “Cheers to the freaking weekend!” 

This week’s question: 

Q: Comfort Reads: Which books do you go to for comfort & familiarity?  Is there a type of book you seek out when you’re needing that extra bit of comfort in your life?

A: I admit, I almost didn’t want to answer this…. Just because on these I like to have different answers than other people…. But this week, I am almost for certain I will be following the norm… But anyways, my comfort reads are: the Harry Potter series, the Perfect Chemistry series, and last but not least, my favorite book of all time…. To Kill a Mockingbird. I read them all multiple times and I would read them all again. Their stories are that enchanting. 
 Harry Potter Boxset  Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry, #1)  To Kill a Mockingbird

Now for Follow Friday!

Q: Jumping Genres: Ever pick up a book from a genre you usually don’t like and LOVE it? Tell us about it and why you picked it up in the first place.

A: This week these questions go hand in hand for me. Kind of cool how that happened…. But anyways, I’m not normally into contemporary romance…. Just because its missing that link of action, a villain, and a weird paranormal/fantasy type super power. But one day I decided to pick up Perfect Chemistry. I had picked it in my library multiple times, just to put it back down. But then there was a time when I was in a relationship with someone not of my ethnicity, and I just said “Oh what the hell….” And so I took it home. And from there, I HAD to have every single one of them. I literally LOVED every single last one of them. They all left me with tears in my eyes, that feeling of real love, and despite the trials and tribulations the relationships faced, joy in my heart. Simone Elkeles is an AMAZING author and I cannot wait to see what else she has in store for us in the future. Now if you have not met the Fuentes boys, stop what you are doing RIGHT NOW and go do it now! You’ll thank me for the recommendation later lol 
Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry, #1) Rules of Attraction (Perfect Chemistry, #2) Chain Reaction (Perfect Chemistry, #3)
Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles
Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her