Every year after Christmas and before New Years I start making sure that all of my new spreadsheets and journals are all ready for the upcoming year. It’s also the time when I start reading some of my January reads, and last but not least, when I start making all my lists of favorites. I’m almost positive no one actually reads these, but I still love to do them lol For this first one, I’m going to talk about my favorite covers from this year!(Y’all know I’m a sucker for a pretty cover, so I wanted to make sure I highlight my favorites!)
Just as a disclaimer: I am not using this as a recommendation post! I have not read all of the books listed here, I just want to spotlight their cover!

Not only are the covers on these books amazing, but they also have some amazing artwork. I actually found the person who designed the cover for Holly Jackson’s book on TikTok and she is bad ass. She showed how she works on other things via her iPad and how she gives suggestions and sometimes makes fonts too. Her and her channel are pretty dope. And now that I’m looking at them lol all of them, except a few, are about POC and have them on the cover. Those that don’t have them, are just some pretty bad ass pictures.

What about you? What were your favorite covers of 2021? Did we share any of the same favorites? Let me know in the comments!
OOh nice ones! Haven’t read any of these but the covers are really pretty!