One holiday tradition my mom always wanted to do with us but never did is celebrate Kwanzaa. She did educate me on what it is and what everything means, but we never got around to ever doing it. But now that I’m starting my own family, I wanted to do celebrate this year (even if Toddler won’t remember it.) That way we’ll be ready to celebrate it the way we should when Toddler is bigger.
So, for 2024 I decided to celebrate Kwanzaa through literature again. I’ll be listing the principles for each day along with a book that matches the principles. If you can think of other titles that match the principles, tell me, I’d love to discuss.

Day 2 is Kujichagulia. It means Self-Determination. The next candle that’s lit is the left most red one. The process is much of the same, the person who lights it recites a statement which is related to Self-Determination.
My statement for self-determination is pretty simple. This coming year I want to be better and to make my name known more. I started this year saying I would do the same and so I put my name in to be on a jury for one of the ALA awards. I’m not expecting anything, but I still tried. Hopefully something can come from this, so keep your fingers crossed for me. The fact that I did even that tho is saying something. I like to get recognition but I don’t always want to be the spotlight. I just don’t like to be looked over for other opportunities. I need people to know I have good ideas and tho I don’t want to hog the spotlight, I DO want people to know I had a hand in it. So this way people know they can call on me and know that this is what I can do. So listen to me when I tell you…….. I WILL BE ON THIS JURY and I’m going to add it to my resume and no one will be able to tell me NOTHING.
The book I thought about first that reminded me
of the knowing ones self was:

I chose Church Girl because everyone was trying to tell her how to live her life, but she realized that she didn’t have to listen. She took matters into her own hands and ran when given the chance. She gave herself the life she wanted. And she was terrified and alone, but she took a chance on herself and it all woeked out. And she found a romance that was meant for her. Imagine if she had never left. Aaliyah was MADE for this prompt!

What about you? What books do you think of when you think of Kujichagulia or Self-Determination? Do you think of this one as well? Let me know in the comments!