Book Blogger Hop: What are you Thankful for?
What are you thankful for most this year? That my family is all in good health. What about you? Let me know in the comments!
What are you thankful for most this year? That my family is all in good health. What about you? Let me know in the comments!
Do you consider yourself a bookworm or a reader? Are they not the same thing? LOL But I don’t call myself either one. I use the term nerd more because I’m more than just a reader. I read but I’m also a librarian and I love other bookish people as well. (Like Belle obvs lol)…
Have you ever read a Western? What did you think of the genre? I read one once, but it was forced upon me lol I was in library school, and I had to take a genre and themes class for an elective. We had to read something from every genre, including Westerns. Now, have I…
Do you have a bookish phobia? Like a real one? I like to think I have abiblophobia (fear of running out of things to read) but then I remember to look at my TBR and make myself feel better by seeing the other 5,068 books that are on my TBR lol What about you? Do…
Have you ever become disoriented in a bookstore? Naw not really. I usually go in there with a plan. But for the most part I DO get disoriented in the library. I usually in there to go and find just whatever I can find. So basically that ends with me walking around in circles here…
Do you read anything specific in the fall? Well i can’t stay on top of anything at all lol So I basically read things as it gets to the month its being released. So whatever it is that comes out, that’s what I read lol What about you? Do you read anything specific in the…
Have you ever stayed up late reading a book? Ummm excuse me are you just ignoring the bags under my eyes? If so, thank you. But they’re there because of me doing this. I really need to stop tho. I just recently found out I get cluster headaches from not getting an adequate amount of…
Never judge a book by its film adaptation. Do you concur? YES. LOOK AT PERCY JACKSON. My husband thought the movie was good until I was listening to the audiobook and he heard it. He had a big change of heart after that. Love that for him lol What about you? Have you seen or…
Has reading helped you become a better person? Most definitely. I’m able to use books as windows and look at the way other people’s lives and how they live. I love getting to know people this way. I also use it like a sliding glass door, so that I can put myself in their position…
How long does it usually take you to finish a book? Well….. That depends. If I am reading it via audio, I’ll probably finish it the next day if I’m working. If I’m off it might take me like 2 days. Now if it’s a physical or e-book it’s going to take me a while….