Starling by Lesley Livingston

Nook Book, 252 Pages
Published August 28, 2012
Published by HarperTeen
Starling, #1
Source: Own
For fans of: Mythology, Fantasy, Romance, YA

Mason Starling is a champion fencer on the Gosforth Academy team, but she’s never had to fight for her life. Not until the night a ferocious, otherworldly storm rips through Manhattan, trapping Mason and her teammates inside the school. Mason is besieged by nightmarish creatures more terrifying than the thunder and lightning as the raging tempest also brings a dangerous stranger into her life: a young man who remembers nothing but his name–the Fennrys Wolf. His arrival tears Mason’s world apart, even as she feels an undeniable connection to him. Together, they seek to unravel the secrets of Fenn’s identity as strange and supernatural forces gather around them. When they discover Mason’s family–with its dark allegiance to ancient Norse gods–is at the heart of the mystery, Fennrys and Mason are suddenly faced with a terrifying future.
Set against the gritty, shadowed back-drop of New York City, this first novel in award-winning author Lesley Livingston’s epic Starling Saga is an intoxicating blend of sweeping romance and pulse-pounding action.

     This book wasn’t exactly up to my expectations. I was expecting a fast paced novel that would rock my socks off with all its mythology and action,  but what I got was just a mythological novel that fell flat to me. 
     Mason Starling is a girl who is a master in fencing. She can take over any competition and win against anyone. One night while practicing, a storm come and almost wipes out her entire school, Gosforth Academy. With the storm comes a mysterious stranger whom makes all the difference in Mason’s world. 
     As I said this book sort of fell flat from what I was expecting. So here’s what I really enjoyed. I LOVED the mythology aspect of the story. It was a really interesting read. I’m not that familiar with Norse mythology (although its like all other legends where they are all basically the same gods and goddess and they all do the same things, just with different names) so everything I read in this book was basically a learning experience. I learned a lot from this book and was able to take a lesson away from it. 
     The only bad thing about this lesson, was the fact that the plot was moving so slow. It seemed like after the amazinf first chapter, nothing “exciting” happened until the middle of the book. That quarter in between just seemed like an information dump. Then at the second part it of the book it was the same way. The first quarter was like another information dump (like she was setting up for the climax) and then there was the amazing ending. It was literally like this /_____/____/
     Then there was the writing itself. I LOVED its descriptiveness. Its what saved the story for me. I wanted to continue reading her writing versus wanted to finish reading the story. Its what kept me pulled into the story. 
     But along with that comes the insta-love. The romance was pretty weird. Like at first, it was they didn’t like/know each other and then as soon as they were able to spend more time together, after the first time they were in love. I can’t stand that instalove scenario anymore. Be original, make them fight for each other, make their love forbidden or something. 
     Overall, it wasn’t a bad book. i really enjoyed the writing and the mythology. The plot and insta-love not so much… But with  an ending like that I will definitely be completing the series. 

Overall, I give this

One thought on “Starling by Lesley Livingston

  1. Thank you for your honest review. I have been hesitant in picking this one up. I love mythology but I NEED action with it!!! I may still get it eventually, but it will not be at the top of my to-buy list 😉

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