Stacking the Shelves #509 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It’s hosted over at Tynga’s Reviews.

For Review: 

From Netgalley and Edelweiss actually. I got approved for the same ones over there. And yes I know it’s weird that I got the new Hazelwood after saying the other seemed exactly like the first one, but I just need to see how far it goes ok? Also I’m never going to pass up a YA audiobook no matter what the subject. So I got Bellegarde and Wildblood. I’ll actually be listening to Wildblood soon because it releases on 2/7. I’m also hella excited about Sunshine Nails! Y’all the cover is gorgeous and the synopsis itself sounds so good! And then Good as Gold also has another bomb cover, but it looks like it’s only the placeholder? And that’s crazy lol Even that’s good so I can’t imagine how the real one looks.

Bloomsbury surprised me and sent me this in the mail and y’all I actually did the Tiger Woods “YES!” My husband was like “What?” I told him and he actually laughed at me lol (Tiger Woods “YES!” gif down below lolol)

The Weekly Wrap-Up: 

Sunday 01/22/23: Stacking the Shelves #508 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!
Monday 01/23/23:
 Cool. Awkward. Black. edited by Karen Strong
Tuesday 01/24/23: TTT:
Books of my Did You Know Series for Black History Month!
Wednesday 01/25/23: WoW
We Don’t Swim Here by Vincent Tirado
Thursday 01/26/23: Live Your Best Lie by Jessie Weaver
Friday 01/27/23: Book Blogger Hop: 
Did Your Past Stay in the Past?
Saturday 01/28/23: Sun Keep Rising by Kristen R. Lee

Me on Instagram/TikTok: 

If you’re interested in seeing what I posted on Instagram, click here.

If you’re interested in seeing what I posted on TikTok, click here.

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One thought on “Stacking the Shelves #509 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

  1. Ooh very nice! I’m kind of curious about She is a Haunting! It sounds like a creepy read but I was hoping for opinions before I picked up a copy! Lol! And oooh Three Drops of Blood! I love Gretchen’s books! Hope you enjoy that one too! And oooohhh!! Last Canto of the Dead looks awesome! It’s rare to see that kind of cover for a YA book instead of an adult book! Just looked it up and it’s a second book in a series?! I may need to look into the first one!

    Hope you enjoy all the awesome new reads! And congrats again on that She is a Haunting! Totally awesome!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her