Stacking the Shelves #470 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

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This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It’s hosted over at Tynga’s Reviews.

For Review: 

Thanks Tor Teen! I saw this on Publisher’s Weekly and immediately requested it! It sounds good af and the freaking cover is gorgeous. It’s not out till November. I can’t wait to get to this!

I came home to book mail and I can’t lie, when I opened them I kind of danced. I have been wanting Wash Day for a while! I can’t wait to finally sit down and read it!

Thank you Edelweiss and publishers!! I am STOKED for the new Kerry Rea! If you’ve read my review for her other one, you know how hard I’m cheesing as I write this! (And I know I got THP last week from Netgalley, but I had already requested this one on Edelweiss too and got approved here also. I’ll just have to put my review in both places.)

THANK YOU NETGALLEY AND PUBLISHERS!!!!!!!! PRH didn’t really bring anything to TLA, so they gave me a card that had downloads on it. And as you should know, it’s taking EVERYTHING IN ME not to read NMTT right tf now! I don’t want to have to wait till closer to August, but for the sake of the rest of my TBR, I guess I have to. Everything else I grabbed because I thought it looked super good. Especially Witchful Thinking! A witchy book with Black people?! YES, YES, YESSSSSSSS! I hope this is everything I’m hoping it is.

Lastly, I got ALOT of stuff from TLA, but it was too much for a haul. It’s mostly things from spring and summer, not much fall, so you’re really not missing anything. I will message you pics if you ask tho!

Summoning Up Love (Heart & Soul Book 1) by [Synithia Williams]

The other book I’m currently reading sounds kind of like this. And because of this, I knew I had to get my hands on it. There’s not that many Black books with paranormal elements, so when I hear about them I have to read them! I’m still making my way through the other one, but I’m over halfway done. I’ll start this one soon!

KU Borrowed: 

The first one I got because it says Librarian lol, the second I got because I LOVE the cover, and the last one I got because the author is on TikTok and is SO NICE. And I read the first chapter and then was hooked. I will get to this as soon as I’m done with my other read on KU!

From the Library: 

I swear, as soon as I get a boatload of books in, I also get 548121544 audios. And I can never get through all of them. But I try my damndest. (And yes I know I can always say wait, but when all the books look like this, I DON’T WANT TO WAIT! And really, who can blame me? I just find myself listening non-stop and trying to figure out a way to listen to them all.)

The Weekly Wrap-Up!: 

Sunday 04/24/22: Stacking the Shelves #469 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!
Monday 04/25/22: Out of Office!
Tuesday 04/26/22: TTT: Top 10 Books with a POC on the Cover That I’ve Read!
Wednesday 04/27/22: WoW: The Kiss Curse by Erin Sterling
Thursday 04/28/22: Book Lovers by Emily Henry
Friday 04/29/22Book Blogger Hop: Clean or Frenzied?
Saturday 04/30/2022: Heartbreak Symphony by Laekan Zea Kemp

Me on TikTok/ Instagram!: 

If you’re interested in seeing what I posted on TikTok, click here.

If you’re interested in seeing what I posted on Instagram, click here.

What about you? What did you get this past week? Did you get any of the same things I did? Let me know in the comments!

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One thought on “Stacking the Shelves #470 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

  1. Oh wow! Awesome haul! I picked up The Luminaries a few weeks ago myself! As soon as I get through my current read and one other, I plan to read this one! I read Susan’s twitter adventure that inspired this story so I’m really excited to see it novelized! And wow! Just all your new reads this week! That’s awesome! I hope you enjoy each and every one of these new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her