This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It’s hosted over at Tynga’s Reviews.

So I went to a Penguin Preview last week and I HAD to grab a galley of The Queen of Kindergarten! The other one, The King of Kindergarten is one of my favorites and I love reading it to my son. Aphrodite and the Duke…….. Ok listen, I am not a historical fiction fan because of all the trauma with Black people that comes with it. BUT when I saw this cover, I couldn’t NOT try it. I truly am a cover whore and I fear one day it will get me in trouble lmao Love, Dance, and Egg Rolls just spoke to the foodie in me. I don’t even know if there is food involved, but there is cultural heritage and food and duh I’m interested!

So for Farrah Rochon’s newest, it was just a “free read” before a certain day, so I grabbed it. The next two I was approved for during a Penguin Preview. Summoning Up Love I found on accident. I didn’t know it was on Netgalley, but I’m actually reading an indie book that sounds a lot like this (also with some Black characters) so I grabbed it because I’m actually really enjoying it. The rest of that row and the second were from the Penguin Preview when I asked for the diverse titles for my job. And the last two I got the audio for Tokyo Dreaming since I read the first on audio and Slip I was invited to be part of the blog tour!

Love Radio……. Ok so boom remember how I was basically begging on my WoW post? Welp someone told them and they reached out to me to get me on!!!!!! Talk about I cried lol It comes out at the end of next month, but I think it will be my first May read! My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding is said to be super fun, so I can’t wait to get to that. And ok, so curiosity killed the cat and I entered the Goodreads giveaway for this…… And then I won lmao (Made me think if anyone else even entered) But it finally arrived and it’s actually signed, so we’ll see how this goes!

I HATE/LOVE when this happens. Hopefully I can get to all these. Some of them are MG tho, so I don’t think they’ll take me long to get through.

I had JUST got rid of it because I got Audible….. Y’all know that these days if its not an audiobook I will have trouble finding time for it. But then I found a video on TikTok on how if you have the Alexa app your phone, you can basically turn your e-books into audio books. And you don’t even have to have an actual Alexa device!
*This doesn’t count for the things you add, just those that you might buy or get from KU.
Sunday 04/03/22: Stacking the Shelves #466 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!
Monday 04/04/22: Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie
Tuesday 04/05/22: TTT: Top 10 My Fave Books With Weddings!
Wednesday 04/06/22: WoW: The Killing Code by Ellie Marney
Thursday 04/07/22: Boss Witch by Ann Aguirre
Friday 04/08/22: Book Blogger Hop: What’s Your Favorite….?
Saturday 04/09/2022: Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez
If you’re interested in seeing what I posted on TikTok, click here.
If you’re interested in seeing what I posted on Instagram, click here.

What about you? What did you get this past week? Did you get any of the same things I did? Let me know in the comments!
Oh wow! Looks like you had a good week! So happy to hear someone spoke to the publisher to help get you Love Radio! That’s so awesome! I hope you enjoy all your fantastic new reads! I feel overwhelmed just seeing them all from one week! Lol. Happy Reading!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂