This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It’s hosted over at Tynga’s Reviews.

Thank you Edelweiss & Publishers

Thank you Netgalley & Publishers
Sunday 11/22/2020: Stacking the Shelves #399 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!
Monday 11/23/20: No Post
Tuesday 11/24/20: Top 10 Tuesday: Authors I’m Thankful for!
Wednesday 11/25/20: Waiting on Wednesday: In the Wild Light by Jeff Zentner
Thursday 11/26/20: Happy Turkey Day From Take Me Away!
Friday 11/27/20: Book Blogger Hop: Electronic Reads!
Saturday 11/28/20: Chasing Lucky by Jenn Bennett

As a November baby, I always make sure to celebrate Thanksgiving since it’s a holiday in my birth month and so many people look over it. So notmally the day after on Black Friday I decorate. Once my tree is up I start to feel the Christmas spirit. And that’s what happened this time! I woke up and binge watched Dash and Lily! It was so good! I’ve felt like both of them at some times. I plan to watch some more Christmas movies this evening!

What about you? Did you get any of these this week? Have you already read any of these? Have you started on any 2021’ers? Have you watched any Christmas movies/shows yet? Do you start Christmas before Thanksgiving? Let me know in the comments!
We usually decorate on Black Friday too but decorated earlier this year. Matt needed some Christmas cheer!