This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It’s hosted over at Tynga’s Reviews.

WHY DO ALL YOUR HOLDS COME IN AT THE SAME TIME? But now with me working from home, it’s super easy for me to listen to them and fly through them. I’ll be so sad to go back to the office when all this is over.

Sunday 10/18/2020: Stacking the Shelves #394 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!
Monday 10/19/20: No Post
Tuesday 10/20/20: Top 10 Tuesday: Books I Read Because Someone Recommended Them to Me!
Wednesday 10/21/20: Waiting on Wednesday: A Psalm of Storms and Silence by Roseanne A. Brown
Thursday 10/22/20: Majesty by Katharine McGee
Friday 10/23/20: Book Blogger Hop: Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet!
Saturday 10/24/20: None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney

I voted last week, but I heard it only counts if you post it lolol Please make sure you go vote! Someone asked me if I waited a long time… My reply? “YES. Four long ass years!” #VoteBlueWhateverYouDo #VoteAllTheWayDown #NoMoreStraightTickets

What did you get this week? Did we get anything of the same? Read anything fun lately? Let me know in the comments!
OOh nice new reads! These are new to me ones for the most part! Hope you positively love them all as you read them!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂