Stacking the Shelves #12

This meme shows the blogoshphere what we have bought, borrowed, received for review, or got just for fun. It’s hosted by Tynga’s Reviews 🙂

This week I got a couple of goodies that I’m pretty excited about!

I’ve been looking for a really good contemporary with a bad dude and a goodie two shoes girl because those are the ones I seem to LOOOVEEE and this was recommended to me… 

Crash (Crash, #1)
Crash by Nicole Williams (ebook)
Embrace (The Violet Eden Chapters, #1) A Season of Eden
Embrace by Jessica Shirvington (ebook)
A Season of Eden by Jennifer Laurens (ebook)
I bought Embrace for $2.99 and A Season of Eden for free on Kindle! 
So, that’s what I got this week! What did you all get? 

3 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #12

  1. Nice haul even if I haven't read any of them, lol! I've heard Embrace is interesting though!

    ~Kailia @ Reading the Best

  2. I love bad guys and goodies two shoes girls too! We have that in common you and it! ha. I bought Crash recently for the EXACT same reason. I hope you enjoy all of your goodies 🙂

  3. I can't wait to read Crash! I've heard mixed things but I'm a huge fan of all the New Adult books so can't wait! Hope you enjoy them.

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