Sleepless in Dubai by Sanji Patel

e-Audio, 08:06:56
Narrated by: Soneela Nankani
Release Date: October 24, 2023
Published by: Recorded Books, Inc. (Amulet Books)
Read from: November 13-14, 2023
Source: Netgalley (I received a copy of this audiobook from Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Sexism
For Readers Interested In: Romance, Racial/Ethnic Diversity(Indian), Holidaze (Diwali), Set Outside the US, YA

      From the author of My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding comes this hilarious, smart, and swoon-worthy rom-com about two teens traveling to Dubai for Diwali
     In this hate-to-love teen rom-com from the author of My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding, Nikki, an aspiring photographer, accompanies her family on a trip to Dubai to celebrate the five days of Diwali in style. It should be the trip of a lifetime, if Yash, the boy next door–with whom Nikki has a rocky history–weren’t on board. Oblivious to the tension, Nikki’s matchmaking family encourages Nikki to get better acquainted with Yash. Turns out a lot can change on a 12-hour flight beyond just continents. But can betrayals and conflicting ambitions be set aside long enough for the two teens to discover the true meaning of the Festival of Lights?


I had added this to my TBR because of the cover and the title. (I feel like I say that way too often lol) I LIVE for books set outside the USA and about people who aren’t CISHET able bodied and yt. Adding on to that, if it’s about something cultural and I can learn more about said event?! YES PLEASE. So if you’re like me and you like these things, buckle up and get ready to go get this because it has all of that!

So like I said I was pulled in by the title and the cover. The cover is absolutely gorgeous! I love the colors they used. I’m going to be cliche and say I hoped it was jut as cute as the cover, and it was! This teen friends to lovers romance was so cute. I know it starts with them as enemies, but the way they were with each other, they never really hated the other. They were super cute at trying to act like they didn’t like the other tho. Also I hate that I have to say this, but I LOVED that the author recapped what happened between them before the book started. I have read a lot of books that haven’t done this and it’s always so weird. I loved that Patel threw it into casual convo. Idk, it just makes the characters feel more real. Like they had a life before this. Patel’s writing style just got better from there. I was sucked into the story and was trying to learn all that I could about Diwali.

The one thing I wished for more of was world-building. I mean they were in freaking Dubai? AND SHE WAS A PHOTOGRAPHER! You mean to tell me she didn’t see the world in any special flowery imagery?! I don’t really think it mattered, but I was a bit disappointed. And like, there’s a lot of descriptions of all the food they’ve eaten, but I wanted more than that. She mentioned the heat, but I think I wanted more at the like events they went to? The colors, the people… Just talking about the food seemed like a cop out. (Don’t get me wrong, they have some of those descriptions, but I think I wanted them to be more artsy? She’s an artsy main character in a new place. I think she should have portrayed that more on page. Does that make sense?)

If you can’t tell, the characters were my favorite part. Well Yash was lol Even though Nikki has my name, she annoyed me. Idk how she didn’t know his drawing style? There has to be some signature or something? I get that he was hiding from her and the world, but SOMETHING should have been the same? Even the tone of his messages? Like come on lol But I also was mad at him because wtf dude. You didn’t want to say anything about this huge ass thing? Like really? I think you were just scared and didn’t want to lose her indefinitely. And not giving her the chance to choose was not ok. But also, Nikki girl, you got pissed over telling on yourself. You don’t seem like the easiest person to get along with lol They were both a mess, but it made for an entertaining story lol

I did like the information I learned about Diwali tho. I learned what the true meaning was according to them and I learned about why they call it the Festival of Lights. I also learned that the story is different depending on where they live, but the actual story always ends in good conquering evil. It didn’t go too much into detail, so I went and did some research on my own and got some more information.

This book was so much fun. I loved so much about it, but I still wish there was a bit more. The romance was cute and the characters were ok, but they all had some issues too. This was a nice book to lose myself in as I was making lists for Diwali and other winter holidays. I hope y’all pick it up too!

Overall. I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her