Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

Hardcover, 438 pages
Release Date: October 4, 2011
Published by: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing
Hush, Hush #3
Source: Library

The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They’ve overcome the secrets riddled in Patch’s dark past… bridged two irreconcilable worlds…. faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty, and trust….and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they’ve worked for -and their love- forever.

Well this may come as a shocker, seeing as how much I loved the rest of the series, but I didn’t really enjoy this. I felt like the whole story was completely drug out. Like it was filled with fluff (what I like to call completely over-exaggerated descriptions and details). The story could have been a lot shorter if some of the fluff was cleared away. It also would have been a lot better. I was a little bored up until the end when it was like POW in your face. Something else I didn’t enjoy, was the absence of Patch for the most part of the book. I fell in love with this series because of Patch and I became obsessed with him. For him to not be “him” in this one crushed me. Lastly, I was upset with plot. I guess this goes along with my thinking about the fluff, but it was like nothing really happened besides her getting her memory back and fights with her mom. I was a like okkkk more action (or more Patch haha). I was kind of confused as to what the book was actually becoming. Then the end was where it all was like “IN YOUR FACE” and I finally got the message of the book. I guess what I’m saying is…. This book was a filler to me. Let’s hope that the next one is the same and has more writing like the last 3 or 4 chapters.

Overall, I give this *** (3 out of 5)

Have you read this? What did you think of it? 

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Take Me Away

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