Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready

Hardcover, 367 pages
Release Date: May 3, 2011
Published by: Simon Pulse
Shade #2
Source: Library
For fans of: Paranormal, Romance, Ghosts, Music, Hot Guys

Aura’s life is anything but easy. Her boyfriend, Logan, died, and his slides between ghost and shade have left her reeling. Aura knows he needs her now more than ever. She loves Logan, but she can’t deny her connection with the totally supportive, totally gorgeous Zachary. And she’s not sure that she wants to.

Logan and Zachary will fight to be the one by her side, but Aura needs them both to uncover the mystery of her past—the mystery of the Shift.
As Aura’s search uncovers new truths, she must decide whom to trust with her secrets…and her heart. (From Goodreads)
     There was so much I want to say about this book. Putting the words together for a review is going to be terribly hard. I just loved it to pieces. At some point it ripped me in shreds and other times it made me smile like the events had really happened to me. This book surprised me on so many levels because normally I DO NOT LIKE sequels but this was a GREAT follow up. I don’t think I ever rated a sequel the same as the first book…. Since like… ever. 
     I think I liked this book so much because of all the information that was given…. And it was given in the right way. It wasn’t an overload and seemed to be given at the right times. And with the information being about Aura, her mother, and someone else important in her life, not being weighted down with the information was a big plus. Because believe me when I tell you…. When you get to it, you will have the same reaction I did… “Mind = BLOWN!” It will seriously make you not want to do ANYTHING else but finish this book. 
     And you just cannot write a review about this book without talking about the boys. *le swoon* Zach, I am forever in love with you! You are the most perfect fictional man ever! Accent, not afraid to be yourself, seriously romantic, cares greatly about your girl, and uses your pain from the past to help you get through the future. If you don’t call that absolutely amazing, I don’t know what you would. As for Logan, I was definitely on your team in Shade (see my review HERE) But just like in real life, there came a time that I had to let you go. I found myself wishing you would move on and be happy. And let Aura be happy as well. And last but not least… WTH was with Dylan?! I found myself so mad at him and Aura. So many things that definitely shouldn’t have been done. No matter what the cause was. 
    Finding out just how big a part that both Aura and Zach play in the Shift, I am sitting here DESPERATELY wanting the next book in the series, Shine. But still trying to decide if I want to read it right away… It would make the ending of the series too real… And I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet. 
Overall, I give this
This is the “River scene” from Zach’s point of view. If you read Shift and know what I’m referring to, definitely read this! You will NOT be disappointed! It’s purely BEAUTIFUL! 

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her