See How They Run by Ally Carter

Nook e-book, 227 pages

Release Date: December 22, 2015
Published by: Scholastic Press
Embassy Row, #2
Source: Own
For fans of: Action, Mysteries, Suspense, Politics, YA

     Inside every secret, there’s a world of trouble. Get ready for the second book in this new series of global proportions–from master of intrigue, New York Times bestselling author Ally Carter.
     Grace’s past has come back to hunt her . . . and if she doesn’t stop it, Grace isn’t the only one who will get hurt. Because on Embassy Row, the countries of the world stand like dominoes, and one wrong move can make them all fall down.
     The twists get twistier and the turns get even more shocking in the second thrilling installment of Embassy Row.


     I swear the original date for this release was January 5th. Hence the semi-lateness lol But I still had to squeeze it in because that cliff hanger in the first one was AWFUL. Unfortunately, the questions I thought would be answered in this one,weren’t and then even more were piled on our plate. 
“Anything of value can be dangerous if given the right conditions.


     After her huge realization Grace doesn’t know what’s up and down or left and right anymore. The only thing she knows is that the only way she can battle her future is if she knows her past. So as she sets out to do just that, she gets more than she bargains for. 
“The dark days… They always pass.


     This review will be a little hard to write because almost everything in it is a spoiler! lol This book was full of action and plot twists! For half the book I had my mouth dropping open wondering how Grace would jump back from one event and then another something would happen! I can say it was a wild ride and there seemed to be cliff hangers in every chapter. This is not a book where you can say “I’ll stop after the next chapter.” There were a couple things with the plot twists I didn’t like too though. Towards the end they got predictable. As soon as one thing was mentioned, I knew what was coming afterwards. Maybe it’s because I read too much YA, but I was able to catch it right away. And because of that I think it took away the thrilling edge for me. It seemed more like a filler than anything for me because I was able to guess everything. 
“…guilt isn’t smart. It isn’t logical. It doesn’t only live in the places it belongs.


    The only thing I didn’t like about this one was the fact that there weren’t any questions asked. Including the ones from the first book. It just put more questions piled on top of the others. Granted there was a “game changer” as there was in the first one, but still some of things weren’t answered. Maybe it would’ve been better had it told us a little more. 
“Digging up secrets is always dangerous.


     Also, this may be only for Nook book readers, but mine felt really jumbled. It had the scene separators (The three asterisks or dots or whatever it may be in the book.) But they were so close to the words it was hard to tell they were even there. I tried everything from changing the settings to reading it on my Nook sideways, but it was still all jumbled. In the end, it made for hard reading because the scenes seemed to change so rapidly and made it seem choppy. There’s really nothing that can be done in this situation except maybe try re-reading it in hard cover. Not complaining, just giving a little more info on what to expect if you have a Nook copy as I do!

“If I’m going to die it’s going to be in a place where I can see the stars.


     There were some amazing parts and then some not so great parts. Also a few format issues, but still I can see myself buying another Nook copy of the next book just so I can read it at midnight lol Carter has weaved an intricate tale in the Embassy Row series and I can’t wait to see what they do with this new nugget of information they just found out. 

Overall, I give this

One thought on “See How They Run by Ally Carter

  1. Great review! I feel exactly the same. I like that it keeps changing the game and giving us different twists and reveals but certain things from the first book were just not addressed. And yeah, a lot of it was pretty predictable. But a good read and I'm liking the series.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

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