Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand

ARC, 447 pages

Release Date: October 2, 2018
Published by: Katherine Tegen
Read from: September 29- October 5,2018
Source: TxLA  
For fans of: Diverse Characters, LGBTQIAP+, Little to no Romance, Horror, Fantasy, Multiple POVs, Sparkly Covers, Stand-alones, YA 

     Beware of the woods and the dark, dank deep.
     He’ll follow you home, and he won’t let you sleep.
     Who are the Sawkill Girls?
     Marion: the new girl. Awkward and plain, steady and dependable. Weighed down by tragedy and hungry for love she’s sure she’ll never find.
     Zoey: the pariah. Luckless and lonely, hurting but hiding it. Aching with grief and dreaming of vanished girls. Maybe she’s broken—or maybe everyone else is.
     Val: the queen bee. Gorgeous and privileged, ruthless and regal. Words like silk and eyes like knives, a heart made of secrets and a mouth full of lies.
     Their stories come together on the island of Sawkill Rock, where gleaming horses graze in rolling pastures and cold waves crash against black cliffs. Where kids whisper the legend of an insidious monster at parties and around campfires.
     Where girls have been disappearing for decades, stolen away by a ravenous evil no one has dared to fight… until now.


     I know it’s shallow, but I have to say, the reason I rushed to pick this up was the cover. I hadn’t even read the synopsis. I just knew that whatever was underneath that beautiful cover had to be as magnificent as it was. And sure enough, it was. 
“Beware of the woods and the dark, dank deep.

pg. 119

     Something strange is happening on Sawkill Island. Girls have been going missing for years and no one has figured out why.Then three different girls on Sawkill Island come together over the legends that no one likes to talk about. They come together to do the thing  no one has tried to do… Fight the evil that lives on Sawkill Island. 
“I know how it feels to be trapped like that.

pg. 181

     My favorite part of this book was the plot. It started out slow, but once it got going, it got dark really quickly. Once it got going, it roped me in and it was hard for me to put the book down. I found myself reading it in the most weirdest places. (Like at the microwave while I wait on my food at work.) My only complaint about it was it started out slow and at the end it seemed a bit slow too. Like it was being dragged out. 
“What’s wrong with being selfish?.

pg. 264

     As for the characters, I wasn’t a huge fan of Zoey, but the others I really liked. And even though I wasn’t a fan of them all, they all worked together so well. Without one of them the story wouldn’t have worked as well as it did. They all played their own specific part.
“…she didn’t think it was right or fair for one  girl’s body to feel so much chaos at one time.

pg. 292

     Lastly, I could have used a bit more world-building, but it was good enough to give me an idea of Sawkill Island. I wished there was more of an explanation of the Rock and other things, but again, it didn’t take anything major from the story.
“Screw that book. […] It was written by men. […] We’re rewriting it.

pg. 385

     This book was such a surprise! It was the perfect creepy book to open October with. I hope you all pick this book up and love it as much as I did.
Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her