Royal Blood by Aimee Carter

e-Audio, 10:21:02        
Narrated by: Kristen Sieh
Release Date: March 7, 2023
Published by: Books on Tape
Read from: March 7-10, 2023
Royal Blood, #1
Source: PRH App (I received a copy of this audiobook from the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Arson, Death, Ableism, Schizophrenia, Abandonment, Classism, Sexual Assualt, Drugged by someone else
For Readers Interested In: Mystery, Royalty, Romance, YA

    An American girl becomes the British Monarchy’s greatest nightmare in this thrilling new series where royal scandals just got deadlier.
     As the King of England’s illegitimate daughter, 17-year-old Evan Bright knows a thing or two about keeping secrets.
     But when she’s forced to spend the summer in London with her father and the royal family, who aren’t exactly thrilled she exists, her identity is mysteriously revealed, and suddenly the world is dying to know every juicy lie the press prints about her.
     After a fun night turns deadly and Evan becomes the primary suspect in a murder investigation, the escalating rumors and fallout threaten to tear her life apart. As she fights to uncover the truth about what happened, she discovers royal secrets that are even more scandalous than she imagined – secrets that could change the monarchy forever.
     And her own may be next.


For whatever reason I had heard this just another vampire book. It really made me push this to the back and not want to read it. And I almost missed a gem! Because this book had me locked in from beginning to end.

So the main problem I had with this was the characters. She was completely spoiled and didn’t listen to anyone. And she was basically the stereotypical teen who thought she knew everything. And she basically knew nothing. And for whatever reason she couldn’t tell that she didn’t know anything when everyone else could. Normally teens being teens don’t bother me, but for I think because of the things she was doing (like committing ARSON) I was annoyed.

The plot of this is what made me stay glued to these pages. (Well my Air Pods lol) I’m a SUCKER for some messy royalty drama, and Lordt this one was filled with it. Not only is there a mystery, there’s some paternity drama, and more. I couldn’t stop reading this until it was done. Aimee Carter did a well crafted mystery/thriller with a great ending that I was quite satisfied with. Anddddddd there’s going to be another (at least 2 according to Goodreads) Though I didn’t feel like there needs to be more, I welcome them. But this one was wrapped up quite nicely on its own. Plus, all the secrets were revealed in this one, so i’m curious what they’re going to bring up for the next book. Because in my opinion, that was part of the charm of this book. Not only was there a mystery happening, but she had no one on her side to help her.

This mystery was so good! I was so invested. In this case, Evan is the detective. And though she’s a teen it didn’t bother me at all. Y’all know I will DNF with a quickness. But in this one there weren’t any weird mystery/thriller tropes, like when the teens randomly get clues that the others don’t. I mean they did, but it wasn’t because they went to go and clean some files at the police station. (Yes I actually read that in a YA book once before.) I am very particular with thrillers and mysteries, but even with that one trope being there, I thought it was great.

This one wasn’t really on my radar since I wasn’t a huge fan of her previous series. But it’s true when they say that authors evolve. Because I want the next book in this series YESTERDAY! How am I supposed to wait an entire year for the next book?!

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

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