READy to Talk: Update on the blog and the blogger herself!

     Ok, so as you can see, I have been MIA for a while. If you didn’t know, I live in Houston, Texas and was directly effected in Hurricane Harvey. The place where I lived during that time was flooded and we had to move. (Mind you, I had just moved into that apartment a month before Harvey hit…) So they told us we could either move into another unit they had available or break our lease. We broke the lease and then we were told that we only had ONE DAY to move out. So with the help of all our friends with trucks, we moved out. 
     At this time we had been without wi-fi and cable for a week. (I know this is the least of my worries, but books and blogging is my happy place and I NEEDED them at this time.) Fast forward finally to 9/9 and we get our internet turned back on at the new NEW place. 
     So, I’ll soon be back to posting regularly. I’ll start tomorrow with a WOW (that I’ve already scheduled) and I have some reviews I need to post too. I’ll be a little backlogged because school has just re-started AND I’m currently looking for a new NEW car. (An even longer story than the one about the apartment. DM me on Twitter if you want to know.) But I hope to be back to my regularly scheduled program by October 1st. For now, everything will be sporadic. I love you all and thank you for all the messages and well wishes and everything since Harvey hit. I really appreciate how much y’all checked up on me and my family. 
Thank you,
Nikki S

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her