Ready to Talk: Stresses of Everyday Life!

     Hey y’all! As you can see the blog’s been pretty quiet, but I promise you I’m still around! I’m just taking a really tough class right now during the summer and I guess I didn’t realize how intesnse it would be since it’s a summer class. I’m getting a little stressed because I’m in someone else’s wedding. I’m planning my own, I’m in the last stretch of school, I’m blogging, and still trying to find a library job! 
     And with that being said, here’s a couple things I’ve been doing!:

     Ok, I’m not sure if y’all remember this or not, but I just went to my last Web Institute for classes on June 10-11th! This came along with 7 assignments, so I was already behind. 
     Then the next freaing weekend I went to Miami! There was a wedding for an old college friend of me and the fiancee, so we decided to make that our yearly vacation!
     I was there from the 16-20th! While there I finally decided on my wedding colors, but now trying to find a good bridesmaid dress is wrecking my nerves lol
     So, there you have it! That’s where I’ve been! It kinda sucked because I was in Florida RIGHT before ALA and I could’ve went there instead lol But the fiance was with me. Not sure he would’ve wanted me to hijack our trip to look at books!
     But now I’m finally caught up with homework and work, so now my blog (and me) will be on a better schedule! I missed you all! 
What do y’all do when life gets in the way of blogging?

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her