READy to Talk: New Job, WHO DIS?

     Well, I haven’t been around much, but that was because of school. But now that school is out, I plan to catch up on blogging and Twitter and to READ ALL THE THINGS. But while I was out I got SOME MORE news to catch you all up on!

     Ok, so if you haven’t followed me for long, you probably don’t know that I’ve been working towards my masters in Library Science with an emphasis in Youth Services for what seems like a while. Like a very long while lol Finally last year it got down to my last two semesters and I FINALLY got a job at a library. It was only a library technician (or circulation assistant) job, but it was SO MUCH BETTER than Olive Garden where I used to work. I come home at a reasonable hour now, I get to be off on holidays, I actually have insurance, and of course there’s the books I get to be around all day! 

     But as someone working towards their degree in library science, it was good, but still not what I wanted. I still wanted to be able to use my degree. So when I got the chance to go to TLA 2017 for work this year, I went happily, knowing I would get an awesome chance to network and find out more about the profession attending some of the panels. And sure enough, I walked into one panel and all the “big wigs” for my library system were in there. They were all surprised at me being there, as I was only a library technician. I told them I was a lib sci student and how close graduation was and they seemed shocked. 

     When I made it back to the branch a couple days later, I was called into my manager’s office. She said someone that saw me at the panel wanted to know if I might think about going for a children’s services specialist position at another branch. (basically I’ll be the Children’s Librarian Assistant. But they only have a Youth Services Librarian there, so more than likely I’ll be the person who does all the children’s activities!) This branch is a bit bigger than the one I’m at now and only a few more miles from my house. So I said “Sure, I’ll apply and see how it goes.” 

     I applied at about 4:30pm on a Tuesday so they would get it the following morning. The next morning on Wednesday I was called in for an interview for that Friday. By the next Tuesday I was told I had the job. So, new job, new branch, new raise lol, WHO DIS? 

     And now, on May 30th I start at the new branch after Memorial Day. I can’t wait to see what else God has planned for me! Who knows, by graduation in December I might be saying I’ve gotten another job, as an actual librarian! 

-Nikki S @ Take Me Away… 

One thought on “READy to Talk: New Job, WHO DIS?

  1. Look at you networking and getting a new job! I don't think I'll ever use my MA degree. haha.

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Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her