READy to Talk: Big News for me!

     So 2016 hasn’t been the best. Like most of what’s happened has been racist filled and problematic and even more. But for me personally, there have been some pretty good moments too…. I finally got on a plane, I went to BEA for the first time, I went to TLA and volunteered, got married, and finally got down to the WIRE for graduation. (One more semester! YASSSS!) But then the biggest thing happened on Monday and I have to say, I couldn’t be more proud of me! 

     If you know me, you know I’ve been waiting on this for a long time. I’ve put in at least 13 applications to two different counties and one separate Public Library system. I’d always get the interviews because they were intrigued by my blog, but nothing ever panned out from it. But this time, I must have looked desperate because they only thought about it for a couple days and Monday I got the call that said yes! I’m in the middle of the pre-hire paperwork to become a library technician!!!! I know it’s not a children’s librarian, but it’s a start and a huge, giant leap from Olive Garden where I currently work. I’m super excited to start spreading my love of literacy at the library. 
     Thank you to everyone that has been there and told me to keep praying and to keep putting my applications in. I almost stopped and went another route and became manager of Olive Garden. My husband told me not to give up and so many of you did too. I can’t say enough how much I thank you all for telling me to keep my head up. I needed the motivation and I am so glad to have you all as my support system.
     That’s all for today! I just wanted to thank you all for believing in me! You all know who you are! 
Peace, Love, and Books,
-Nikki S. 

3 thoughts on “READy to Talk: Big News for me!

  1. I know I'm late with this but congrats! I'm a Young Adult Librarian and just made 10 years on October 23rd. It is one of the most rewarding jobs. 🙂

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her