READy to Talk #3: Long, Torturous Release Waits

READy to Talk is a new discussion meme that will come up few and far between, just when I have something bookish on my mind. Something that I want to get y’alls opinion on! 

     This READy to talk was brought to my attention by my current read! There were no ARC’s made for it and it seems as if everyone was waiting on it forever and now that it’s come out, is reading it at the same time. It really feels like one big buddy read. Anyways, the reason I wanted to write this post is the torturous waiting we all did for Winter by Marissa Meyer. It started as a question that Molli Moran asked on Twitter. 
     The question was: “What was the most agonizing wait you’ve ever had for a book?” After I read that, I started thinking about how cool it was that so many people were waiting on this and no one really knew how it would turn out and everyone could see at about the same time.

     If you didn’t know, Winter had a different release date at first (which was at the beginning of the year) but it was then changed because Fairest was coming out. I wanted to DIE. . I just found it cool that Meyer and Fierce Reads had built up the excitement for this one so much that people were actually taking doing crazy things like buying a Nook/Kindle copy to read at midnight and then order a hardcover copy to read as well. (Ok, that may be just me lol) 

     This isn’t the first book I decided to get two copies of because I NEEDED it that second after a super long wait. The other ones were Harry Potter 4 and 7 and Winter. I say these because none these didn’t have ARC’s. (Or if they did, I had no idea about them lol) So I waited on these with the rest of the world. ON PINS AND NEEDLES. 
     But once the release date finally comes, I am in book Heaven. But the problem there is I can’t decide if I want to fly through them or just savor it! 

So, how do you all handle those long waits? 
What was the last torturous wait you had for a book?
When you finally get the book do you fly through it or do you savor it? 

Let me know in the comments! 


Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her