Page to Screen: The Woman in the Window


Movie , 1 hr 40 min
Release Date: May 14, 2021
    An agoraphobic woman living alone in New York begins spying on her new neighbors, only to witness a disturbing act of violence. (From IMDb)


I told myself I wasn’t going to watch this, but my mom ended up watching it while she was over, so I ended up watching it with her. Definitely was a lot better than I was expecting. And I wasn’t expecting much.

The main thing I liked about this was the acting. I think Amy Adams did a damn good job. It couldn’t have been easy to play someone that was drunk and on as many meds as she was. And to show that much emotion when it was finally revealed to why she was the way she was. She did a damn good job playing Anna. The supporting roles were ok too, but of course, with a movie where the main character has agoraphobia, they didn’t have as much riding on their parts as she did.

Following the book was pretty good from what I remember. I read the book quite awhile ago, so I just went back to re-read my review and it said some of the same things I’m thinking now, so I guess it did ok. I remember the plot twists were much bigger in the book than the movie, In the movie they kinda just said it and kept rolling with the scene. I think in the book they made it a much bigger deal, which made me not like that moment as much. But otherwise I guess it was ok. However, I don’t remember the ending of the book. I hope tho that it wasn’t like the movie because it was terrible. This whole movie she wouldn’t do one thing, and at the end she does, but with no explanation on how she got there. It just could’ve been better.

This wasn’t life changing, but I did think it was ok. It worked as an average book to movie, but was also good enough to follow if you haven’t read it before. Again, it won’t win any awards, but it wasn’t terrible.

Overall, I give this

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her