Page to Screen: Monster


Movie , 1 hr 38 min
Release Date: May 7, 2021
    A smart, likeable, 17-year-old film student from Harlem sees his world turned upside down when he’s charged with a murder. We follow his dramatic journey through a complex legal battle. (From IMDb)


I was so excited when I found out this book was being made into a movie! I actually just read this after I heard about the movie, in like 2019. And I’ve been waiting since then for this movie to come out. Both were hella good! If you enjoyed one, you’ll definitely like the other!

For this I want to start with the ending. I almost never do that, but for this movie (and the book) it stood out to me. In both cases I felt the ending was too abrupt. Or at least one of the events was too abrupt. I wanted more of what happened when he got back to where he was told to go. I know the story was about what he was portrayed as while the situation was going on, but just having that last little bit could’ve made it better. In my opinion.

As for those book nerds that analyze bookish movies like I do, you all will be happy. This movie accurately depicts the book. There are some things that are different, because this was originally written in 1999 and this was filmed in 2018, so there’s mentions of Nicki Minaj and showings of the newish Apple headphones and wall projectors. But those have nothing to do with the book and everything to do with the appeal to people in this day and age, so it had nothing to do with my rating. Everything else was pretty close, or at least as close as they could make it.

The actors were FIRE. Let me just say, I did NOT know ASAP Rocky could act like that. He definitely stole the show in my opinion. Nas was good too, but he didn’t really seem like he was acting. I feel like he is that wise and protective in real life. (No I haven’t met him, he just seems like the type lol) The main character Kelvin Harrison was good, but I thought ASAP took the spotlight when he was on the screen. And of course, Jennifer Hudson was good. She always is. Put them all together, and you have a fire ass line up!

Lastly, I still loved the topic. Even my husband who’s not a reader wanted to look at the book after watching a part of the movie. However, he couldn’t get through it. He was getting angry watching it because of all that one lawyer. But that’s another thing I liked about it. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s perfectly fine. It’s a controversial book and also a controversial movie and there will be people who won’t like it. However, they can’t say that it’s not truthful.

Like anything else, this movie had its faults, but it was still good. The acting was good and the plot was very relevant to the world today, enough to make my husband even stop an take notice. I hope more people who aren’t usually interested in this type of story watch it as well so it can up its views. If you watch it, let me know what you think!

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her