Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry

e-Audio, 12 hours, 23 minutes
Narrated by: Brittany Pressley & Graham Halstead 

Release Date: January 22, 2019
Published by: Tor Teen
Read from: March 17-23, 2019
Source: Library
For fans of: Contemporary, Romance, Bad Boy Troupe, Realistic Fiction, Companions, YA

     Bestselling author Katie McGarry’s trademark wrong-side-of-the-tracks romance is given a new twist in the gritty YA contemporary novel, Only a Breath Apart.
     Jesse Lachlin is cursed.
     So the town folklore says, but while Jesse’s had his fair share of tragedy, the only curse he believes is in his grandmother’s will: in order to inherit his family farm he must win the approval of his childhood best friend, the girl he froze out his freshman year, Scarlett Copeland.
     Scarlett Copeland is psychic.
     Glory Gardner tells Scarlett she has hidden psychic abilities, but Scarlett thinks Glory is delusional. What is real is Scarlett’s father’s irrational fears, controlling attitude, and the dark secrets at home. Scarlett may have a way to escape, but there’s a hitch: she’ll have to rely on the one person she used to trust, the same boy who broke her heart, Jesse Lachlin.
     Each midnight meeting pushes Jesse and Scarlett to confront their secrets and their feelings for each other. But as love blooms, the curse rears its ugly head…


     I was given this book for review a long time ago, but I never got around to reading and reviewing. Not because I didn’t try to, but I almost gave up and just said it wasn’t for me. But I decided to give it one last try and listen to it before giving up entirely. Sad to say I don’t feel as if it was memorable at all.
     When Katie McGarry’s first series came out I fell in love with her writing. I loved Noah and Echo and all the others from that series. But now as a fan for so long, I’m starting to feel that her books all seem the same…. I just felt like I had read this already. It didn’t seem different enough from everything else she’s written to stand out to me. I thought the psychic angle would be a bit different, but it wasn’t enough for me. 
     As for the romance, I was glad to finally see a couple in YA that wasn’t totally dependent on each other. I was glad that we got to see them apart, them together, them apart, and them together again. Sure it followed the troupe by the book, but it still showed both Scarlett and Jesse being strong and independent apart from each other. And it all worked out in the end. 
     The narrators did a great job though! I think this is the main reason I didn’t want to stop the audio. The content left me bored, but the way they performed it made that ok. Just like when you’re a kid and someone’s reading to you and they use voices and stuff like that? That’s the way I felt about it. I haven’t listened to anything by either narrator before, but I can definitely see myself starting!
     I do believe I’ve outgrown my “bad boy troupe” phase. I use to love all of McGarry’s boys, but Jesse just didn’t do it for me. I had to read this book in two different formats before I could even get through it. But others besides me may like this one. It may be appealing to others, but this one just wasn’t for me. 
Overall, I give this

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