e-ARC, 320 pages
Release Date: January 4, 2021
Published by: Balzer + Bray
Read from: January 5-12, 2022
Happily Ever Afters, #2
Source: Edelweiss (I received a copy of this book from Edelweiss and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
For Readers Interested In: Contemporary, Romance, Realistic Fiction, World Travel, Cruises, Racial/Ethnic Diversity, Sparkly Covers, YAFrom the author of Happily Ever Afters, comes the highly anticipated companion novel, One True Loves, another irresistible YA romantic comedy full of self-discovery, Black love, and a dreamy European cruise.
Lenore Bennett has always been a force. A star artist and style icon at her high school, she’s a master in the subtle art of not giving a . . . well, you know what. But now that graduation is here, she’s a little less sure.
She’s heading to NYU in the fall with a scarlet U (for “undeclared”) written across her chest. Her parents always remind her that Black kids don’t have the luxury of figuring it out as they go—they have to be 110 percent prepared. But it’s a lot of pressure to be her ancestors’ wildest dreams when Lenore’s not even sure what her dreams are yet.
When her family embarks on a post-graduation Mediterranean cruise, her friend Tessa is sure Lenore’s in for a whirlwind romance. But Lenore knows that doesn’t happen in real life. At least not to girls like her.
Then she meets Alex Lee. After their parents bond over the Cupid Shuffle, she ends up stuck with him for the remainder of the cruise. He’s a hopeless romantic and a golden boy with a ten-year plan. In short, he’s irritating as hell.
But as they get to know each other during the picturesque stops across Europe, he may be able to help her find something else she’s been looking for, even if she doesn’t want to admit it to herself: love.
When I saw there was another book in the Happily Ever After Series, I was so excited! Bryant’s last romance was so cute and I was so ready for another one! And let me tell y’all, she delivert with this one!
“Not everyone gets some happy ending all wrapped up in a bow. That stuff is for your movies and books, but not for real life, Tessa. At least not for me.” “4%
Lenore has always been one to stand out. She’s a fashion icon and she doesn’t give a shit about anything. But now that graduation is near, she’s starting to rethink how she’s acted. Now she’s moving to NYU, away from everyone, but she doesn’t even know what she wants to major in. Unfortunately her parents won’t let her forget that Black kids don’t get the luxury to “not know,” they have to know exactly what they want from the beginning. So right before they leave on a cruise where she’s supposed to be celebrating being finished with high school, she’s met with an ultimatum. Her best friend Tessa seems to think she’ll find a man on this cruise, but with all she has to think about now, will she even have time for romance?
“Of course she sees the world the way she does. I might believe this one true love, happily ever after bullshit, too if some guy looked at me like that.“5%
Ok so first things first…. Alex was the cutest. I loved that he was so patient and kind to her. I loved that she acted so scared of him, because first loves are like that. They scare you at first because you don’t really know what to expect. And anyone that can occupy that much your time is a little frightening. And I thought that Bryant captured that scary feeling accurately. And the way he brought out the best in her?! Y’all it was seriously cute.
“I talk a big game sometimes with my friends, but it makes me more nervous that I can’t commit to anyone thing. That I’m so all over the place instead of sure and steady. Maybe that’s part of the reason no one can commit to me.”“16%
However, when I think about Lenore, as a character driven reader, this was a bit hard to get through. I don’t really care for characters (or people in general) that complain about everything. Like literally nothing makes them happy. And that’s what it seemed like with her. But what made it weird, was the fact that she hid everything from everyone, so they never knew how bad she felt. But then she was mad at them for not knowing? For not pushing harder? If you tell them nothing and then change the subject every chance you get, what did you expect them to do? Read your mind? Or what if they had kept pushing? Would that have magically made you change your mind? Or would you have gotten mad and changed the subject again? The whole book seemed like a big miscommunication trope. And ass someone who’s not a fan, this really bothered me. I found myself getting annoyed, but writing it off as teen angst.
“How did I get to this point, where I have to perform for everyone around me? Am I going to have to do that for the rest of my life?”“52%
The romance was super cute because of Alex. But while Lenore was busy being Lenore, they didn’t have much time together. There’s some flirting and shared kisses, but I think she agrees that they’re together for one night. And then was the big “final fight.” It was maddening.
“It’s okay to care,” he says finally. it’s okay to not be okay about it.”“60%
Again, I wasn’t a fan of the way she did the ending tho. It felt cut-off. Like if you’re going to write in “XY,” why cut it before we see “Z”? Like it went from grand gesture, to THE END. Why not show us what happens with the pay off? Are they are ok now? What happens back home? Can we get an epilogue?
“I’m not actually perfect, you know,” he says, his voice small. “But I’ll try to be, for you.”“74%
I did like the humor tho. ETTA WAS THE BEST PART OF THIS BOOK. When I say she was the comedic relief I didn’t know I would need in this book! I loved every singles scene that she was in. I really hope there’s another book in this companion series and Etta is there for some reason. I also hope that all child prodigies are like her in real life lmao
“…if the path you take is different, well, that doesn’t make it wrong.“78%
This book did give, but it wasn’t fully giving what had to be gave. If that makes any sense. I wanted a little more from this, but then again, I was also happy with what I got. I love seeing the Black Romance in YA, so I hope there’s more coming from Bryant. If so, I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Overall, I give this