One Moment by Kristina McBride

E-ARC, 272 pages
Expected Publication: June 26, 2012
Published by: Egmont USA
For fans of: Contemporary, Mystery, Chick-lit, YA

This was supposed to be the best summer of Maggie’s life. Now it’s the one she’d do anything to forget

Maggie Reynolds remembers hanging out at the gorge with her closest friends after a blowout party the night before. She remembers climbing the trail hand in hand with her perfect boyfriend, Joey. She remembers that last kiss, soft, lingering, and meant to reassure her. So why can’t she remember what happened in the moment before they were supposed to dive? Why was she left cowering at the top of the cliff, while Joey floated in the water below—dead?

As Maggie’s memories return in snatches, nothing seems to make sense. Why was Joey acting so strangely at the party? Where did he go after taking her home? And if Joey was keeping these secrets, what else was he hiding?

The latest novel from the author of The Tension of OppositesOne Moment is a mysterious, searing look at how an instant can change everything you believe about the world around you.

     I was originally intrigued by this book’s GORGEOUS cover. Then when I read the blurb, I just had to read it. So I requested it. Well it wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy it, I just felt like it was extremely predictable. I knew everything and all the plot twists before they even happened. 
     But the thing that I did like about the book was the words and the feelings and emotions they brought on. I could feel the emotions that Maggie had just from reading McBride’s words. 
     The one thing I didn’t enjoy, was the romance part. I was expecting some kind of romance, but it felt like there was none present. Especially since I was able to guess before it even came up. I’m not sure if I would classify this as a contemporary romance, it seems more like a great mystery because all Joey’s secrets were still left untold. 

Overall, I give this 

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