Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole

e-ARC, 106 pages

Release Date: January 8, 2019
Published by: Avon Impulse
Read from: January 9, 2019
Reluctant Royals, #2.5
Source: Edelweiss (I received a copy of this book from Edelweiss and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.
For fans of: Contemporary, Romance, LGBTQIAP+,  Adult

     Alyssa Cole returns with a fun, sexy romance novella in the Reluctant Royals series!
     While her boss the prince was busy wooing his betrothed, Likotsi had her own love affair after swiping right on a dating app. But her romance had ended in heartbreak, and now, back in NYC again, she’s determined to rediscover her joy—so of course she runs into the woman who broke her heart.
     When Likotsi and Fabiola meet again on a stalled subway train months later, Fab asks for just one cup of tea. Likotsi, hoping to know why she was unceremoniously dumped, agrees. Tea and food soon leads to them exploring the city together, and their past, with Fab slowly revealing why she let Likotsi go, and both of them wondering if they can turn this second chance into a happily ever after.

*This book is part of the new adult contemporary romance genre! It is more mature than YA. I have featured it in Between the Covers as a way to feature the few Adult and New Adult titles I am beginning to read!” 


     I wasn’t originally review this because it was a novella, but it was so well written it felt like a full length story. A story I didn’t know I needed until I started reading it. Such a nice back story that I hope to see revisited in the next installment of the series. 
     First off, I LOVED the characters. Likotsi was so SMOOTH y’all! lol She was trying to act like she had no game, but with her dressing skills and the way she was talking to Fab in the flashbacks, I was wondering how Fab was able to ever say no to her. As for Fab, I also liked her. She was goal oriented all on her own and she was so strong. For so many reasons. The two of them together is a definite power couple. 
     As for the plot, I liked that it went back and forth from the past and present. It was interesting to see the differences in how they interacted then vs right now. Even after all they had both gone through, their relationship was so easy. It continued right where it left off. It was such a sweet thing to witness. 
     As for the romance, I liked the slow burn. Cole spent most of the novella just giving us their background story with little to no kissing. Which makes the part at the end where they were together so much more special. 
     This novella definitely helped ease the pain for the next book! The next one is where we meet is Nya and Johan and let me just tell you, I am READY for the drama that’s about to bring. 
Overall, I give this

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