e-Audio, 11:41:56
Narrated by: Jesse Vilinsky
Release Date: January 23, 2024
Published by: Viking Books for Young Readers (Books on Tape)
Read from: January 4-5, 2024
Source: PRH Audio App (I received a copy of this audiobook from the publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, PTSD Spirals, Car Accident, Suicidal Ideation, Suicide, Drugging
For Readers Interested In: Thriller, Horror, Paranormal, Mystery, Mental Health, YACharlotte survived the car crash that killed her boyfriend Jerry, but that night, everything changed. Charlotte wants desperately to get back to “normal,” –whatever that means now– and start reconnecting with friends she hasn’t spoken to in months. And she’s trying to work through her PTSD with the help of her therapist, only she can’t tell the truth about Jerry or what really happened the night he died.
Just when Charlotte thinks she might be moving on, someone starts sending her threatening messages claiming to be Jerry, saying things only he would know. But it can’t really be Jerry because there’s no such thing as ghosts. The cold spots in her room must be a draft and the noises she hears must be the house creaking. There has to be a logical explanation for all of it. Because if ghosts are real, then Jerry came back for her—just like he always said he would.
Not Dead Enough is a gripping exploration of trauma from debut author Tyffany D. Neiheiser about a girl who realizes that running from the past will help you survive, but everything you try to escape will eventually find you in the end.
My immediate thoughts on this was it was unhinged. Let me be clear, it was not because of what happened. What was going on with Charlotte was not a joke. I meant the ghost situation and the person behind it.
OK so the ghost thing was crazy. The way the author wrote red herrings was pretty amazing. Let me just say nothing is as it seems in this book. And the fact that this is a debut author, was also pretty amazing. I saw the person who was doing this a mile away, but I didn’t know the whole story. And I always love to have some weird twist come in and blow what I thought I knew out of the water. And the way she made me angry at a ghost! I was so annoyed that he was still able to scare her. Like didn’t he do it enough when he was alive? But as the truth came out, my mouth dropped open further and further. I knew, but I didn’t KNOW KNOW if that makes sense.
On the more serious side, this was so scary. What was happening to Charlotte was not ok. And to think it might have been also happening to someone else?! I remember holding my chest while reading this. In college I knew someone who had someone use some of these same tactics that Jerry used on them. And it was terrifying and we were in college. I can’t imagine going through this when we were in high school. Charlotte was brave, but she didn’t have to be. This definitely gave a good lesson on how to protect yourself and put yourself first.
The ending was a nightmare. By then I had figured out who it was, so the moment it was happening I was yelling at the book. After it had happened I was very shocked at the way things unfolded. That was the part I hadn’t called. And honestly, I felt the same way she did. It did not absolve that person of anything, but it was nice to know that they were there. But that also upset me. Because that person needed someone too. And instead of getting that help, they just took it as learned behavior. It was pretty sad.
This book shows the importance of speaking up and coming to terms with one self and others. I was incredibly impressed by the characters. Charlotte was learning and growing the whole time and she did it almost entirely by herself. Neiheiser had me stuck in this book until the end. Like so much I had to stay over from work to get to the end. I can’t wait to put this on the shelves. Hopefully this shows some teens the need to speak up and see how ALL unhealthy relationships might look.
Overall, I give this