Nikki’s Trip Recap: Hollywood Studios

On Wednesday we went to Hollywood Studios. I was still in a bad mood, but I snapped out of it real quick when I realized I still had one more princess to meet. And I definitely had to meet her since I didn’t know if she was staying. I’d heard rumors she was only there until September.

So for today I stayed in with the baby until he woke up while the hubs did the rope dropping. When he finally woke up and we made it over there, we made a beeline for Live Action Ariel. I wasn’t missing THIS one lol Andddd I was hella lucky. Her line at the time was only 45 minutes. I guess the universe was apologizing for the day before, idk) But my son was still scared and didn’t want to meet her so I went and got her signature and I was finally back to feeling better.

After that it was a whirlwind of rides. We started in Toy Story Land because I HAD to ride Slinky Dog Dash. I had heard so many good things about it and I needed to see what it waws all about. And it did not disappoint. It wasn’t funny scary, more like fun cute. A good roller coaster to help introduce kids to coasters. Then we went to ride Millennium Falcon. Now I am NOT a Star Wars person, that is my husband’s fandom, so I was excited for him to finally get on these rides. He’d been talking about the other one since we found out we were going. I didn’t care for this ride because you need like a team for it, and mine sucked. But he ended up having fun which was what I needed. And then we went to Rise of the Resistance. Again, I don’t know anything about Star Wars, so I’m just basing this off vibes lol But since I didn’t have to rely on anyone to have fun on this one, it was better. And then the way the ride itself is was just so much better too. I liked it enough to be sad we couldn’t ride it again lol

We did other rides after that, but nothing that I was like gung ho about. And by then it had started raining, so I was like just ready to get on any and everything. But then we realized that we did or had booked all the stuff for us to try, so we got on some stuff for my son. I realized too late some of the rides were still a little too jerky for him and I was concerned about his neck, but once i made him lay back and not move as much, I felt better. HE didn’t like it, but I was more ok with it lol We ended up on Mickey’s Runaway Railroad and Toy Story Mania. He was a bit spooked at Mickey’s, but he was just waking up from a nap and it was his literal first time on a ride so he was a bit shook. On Toy Story Mania he still didn’t like it, but I discovered it was because it was too loud. Once I covered his ears a bit, he was trying to shoot for all the points and stuff too. It was actually really cute seeing him try to do it on his own. And somehow me and him still pulled off a win over the hubs lol

And just before we went to eat, I remembered that my baby had time to meet Lightning McQueen. If you know me frfr you’ve heard me complain that he’s been watching Cars (all 3 of them) everyday for the past month. At this point I’m thinking even he has to be tired of it now smh lol But anyways, when I saw there was a place for Cars and he would get to see Lightning in person, I KNEW we had to take him. He was scared at first, but once he realized who it was, Lightning had his rapt attention. He was so into it and kept pointing at him. Call me a sap, but he was so happy I wanted to cry. It was easily the best feeling from this whole trip. (And then on the way out he embarrassed me at the gift shop and that feeling went away smh But that’s a story for another time! lmao)

We also had our second dining experience at Toy Story’s Rodeo Round-Up! There was some good and some bad, but Idk if I’d choose to eat there again. And if you haven’t trusted anyone else, THOSE BISCUITS ARE AMAZING. I didn’t anticipate likening the pepper jelly, but I did and now I’m mad we didn’t get to take any home with us smh lol The dessert was also bomb. I’m not a fan of pie, but the silk pie one was BUSSIN. Like it was so good I had to use ebonics right there lol And the atmosphere was amazing. We got to do the Andy’s coming thing twice and my kid actually sat still for it! (Well for the first time lol) And it was super cute, everything is still sized to make you also a toy and when they call you to your table they say, “We’re looking for the ____________ (insert your last name) Toy Set” And yes, I know that is stupid, but I thought that was the cutest thing ever lmao leave me alone and let me be ok

We were just about to leave before we remembered my husband didn’t get something called some Blue Milk? So we stopped and got that before we left the park. It was……….. Weird. But it was good. Don’t ask me what it was supposed to be because I have no idea tho lol It’s a Star Wars thing.

At Hollywood I was confident and pretty happy with our visit. We didn’t go into ALL the places, like ABC channel centered stuff, but we did see a good chunk of the park. We missed out on the Indiana Jones ride tho. I didn’t even realize it was open until we saw we could book it. And by then it was too late in the day. But of course, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t relate what we DID see to books! So, here’s the reading rec list that no one asked for Part 5………….




So obviously, for me, Hollywood Studios is all about the Disney movies. So for my book recs I decided on Books that were made into movies. And remember this isn’t an exhaustive list, its more like books I’ve noticed were popular at work and those that I’ve read and loved. All of these are fairly old, so if you haven’t read them yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

What about you? Have you read any of these? Will you read any of them? Let me know in the comments!

Animal Kingdom Magic Kingdom Lilo & Stitch Breakfast EPCOT Hollywood Studios

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her