So on the third day (LOL) we went to EPCOT. First we did the Guardians of the Galaxy ride and then yes of course we did the Drinking Around the World challenge. It was supposed to be a really chill day, but it ended up being the worst one for me. It ended up being the hottest day that we were there. (I know for a fact because it was the first time we got a Heat Advisory warning from my weather app) And because the one thing I wanted to do that day left before I got there…..

Ok so one thing I didn’t realize…. There’s not more than one princess? Because Lordt I was so excited to meet Belle and then when we were going around the world we met Anna, Elsa, and then Snow White and I just so happened to be the last person in Snow White’s line. And I asked when she was coming back, and when she explained to me it was like oh all the princesses are done for the day. She must’ve seen my face melt and all the Belle stuff I had on (a Belle shirt, Belle ears, etc) because she immediately started telling me where else I could find her tomorrow and all that jazz. Needless to say, I was ready to go home after that.

Because the main thing I wanted to do (meet all the princesses) was thwarted, I was mopey the rest of the day and just wanted to finish Drinking Around the World. There wasn’t really anything else I wanted to do. So basically I was like just my normal self lmao And let me just say, DRINKING AROUND THE WORLD IS NOT FOR THE WEAK. Me and my husband shared one (he’s had a gastric bypass and can’t eat/drink much) drink from each country (besides Norway because the coffee and alcohol wouldn’t sit well in our tummy lol) and by the time we got to Canada, we were crawling lol We were also supposed to be eating around the world, butttttt we ended up only getting some nachos in Mexico lol It was a mess.

I say it was a mess because we started in Mexico. I was a weirdo and got a 4th of July margarita (rolls eyes heavenward) and didn’t realize until I was already drinking it smh lol Basically we started off bad. Again, we skipped Norway, but I stood in line to get pictures with Anna and Elsa. Left there and went to China where I wanted to get a pic with Mulan, but she wasn’t there. (Which I should have known right then that it was going downhill even faster) and then we went to Germany where I met Snow White. And then I basically tried RUNNING to go catch Belle on her way to where ever she was going… So yeah, running in that heat, 2 drinks in already. Well I didn’t find her, so I just went back to where my hubs and kid were and moped around until we were finished lol

ANYWAYS, lol It was also the EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival which I thought was pretty cool. It was really the only way my kid was ok with meeting the characters other than Moana, so it worked for me. In that first pic that’s us with Mickey and Minnie and he told them bye when we left. He freaked out at Mickey when we saw him at the Breakfast tho lol

But, yeah, that’s what we did see and I can’t say I’m THAT mad about it. Again, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t relate it to books! So, here’s the Reading List that no one asked for Part 4……….




So to me EPCOT reminded me of people around the world and going around the world, so I did books set outside the USA and some Own Voices books. Again, this is not an exhaustive list, just a mixture of those that I’ve read and those that seem popular at work!

What about you? Have you read any of these? Will you read any of them? Let me know in the comments!
Animal Kingdom Magic Kingdom Lilo & Stitch Breakfast EPCOT Hollywood Studios