Y’all!!!!!! How did we get so lucky?! National Read a Book Day lands on Labor Day, a day most jobs are closed! YASSSSSSS! I said I was going to do a readathon today, but I didn’t find any, so I’m just going to do my own thing and post the results later! Here’s some other things you can do to celebrate the day besides Read-a-thons:
-Read a book: Well duh lol But it doesn’t have to be for any other reason! Just read and enjoy!
-Read to someone else: Have a dog? Have a child? Read to them!
-Support your local library: I mean we’re closed today since it happened to land on Labor Day, but Overdrive isn’t closed! Check out something on your Libby app!
-Recommend someone a book you loved: More “points” if you can make them want to read it too!
-Buy a book!
-Binge Read something: Whether its a re-read of a favorite or finding something new that you want to sit and knock out the whole day, give it a go!
All of these things sound like fun! Let me know which one you pick!
And here’s some alternatives to celebrate with me!
SHOW ME your favorite place to read. It can be somewhere you’ve actually been before, or it could be somewhere you haven’t been if you know how to do that. It can be where ever you read now! But I will say this, with the new addition of TikTok and the green screen features, anything is possible.
SHOW ME your favorite reading snack! (Beverages count too!) Do you have any on hand? Do you ONLY eat/drink them when you read?
Post your answers somewhere and tag me in it and I’ll come through and interact with your post!
(If I actually get some responses I can do a giveaway of most creative or something!)
Hope you have some fun today! Now go read a book!!!!!
I don’t know how I didn’t know this was today until like 6 p.m.. yesterday!