My Flawless Life by Yvonne Woon

e-Audio, 08:09:03       
Narrated by: Katharine Chin
Release Date: February 14, 2023
Published by: Katherine Tegen Books
Read from: March 25-26, 2023
Source: Edelweiss (I received a copy of this audiobook from Edelweiss and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Death, Left for Dead, Hit with a Car
For Readers Interested In: Mystery, Suspense, YA

      Yvonne Woon, author of If You, Then Me, has crafted a slow-burn thriller about fixing–our friends, ourselves, and our complicated pasts. For fans of Allegedly and We Were LiarsMy Flawless Life features a compelling narrator who grapples with the secrets of her private school classmates as well as her own life.
     At the most elite private school in Washington, DC., whenever anyone has a problem that they need to go away, they hire Hana Yang Lerner.
     Hana is a fixer. She knows who to call, what to say, and how to make sure secrets stay where they belong–buried. She can fix anything. Except her own life, which was destroyed when her father, senator Skip Lerner, was arrested for an accident that left one woman nearly dead.
     Now Hana’s reputation is ruined and her friends are gone. So when she gets a job from an anonymous client called “Three” to follow her former best friend, Luce Herrera, Hana realizes this might be her way of getting back her old life.
     But the dangerous thing about digging is that you never know what you’ll unearth. As Hana uncovers a dark truth about her supposedly flawless classmates, she’s forced to face a secret of her own.


This is going to be short… I don’t really know how to talk about this without giving anything away. It’s really a difficult thing to get review. There’s a lot of factors to it. Definitely a story that has layers.

Ok so first things first, the plot. I liked the idea of it, but it wasn’t really executed in a great way if that makes sense. Because what it basically did was tell the story twice but with a different detail later on. I think I would have liked it more if it was told from the other person’s POV. But for the rest of it, I think it was ok. I was pulled in by the problem that she was fixing at the time and why this person had reached out to her. But then things changed when the main character fixes the problem and there’s still a lot more book left. Normally this would be ok, but it was weird because I guessed the plot twist…. And it was right.

I also didn’t really care for the main character. There’s never really an explanation on why she was so good at fixing people’s problems. Like there’s only so far negotiations can get you. Especially since they’re in high school. It just seemed weird to me that she just ended up in this position. There is an explanation, but it’s really quick and it doesn’t really go in to too much detail. Idk I just needed more. Because I don’t think I would have trusted her with anything like they had in the book. Because they were doing a lot lol

Normally when I read a thriller I’m excited to write the review and I always want to talk about it to anyone who will listen. But this time I just didn’t want to. It didn’t excite me like I thought it would. I was able to guess the culprit (even if I didn’t get the why) and it just didn’t do anything else for me. The writing style was good enough to rope me in, but otherwise I don’t think it stood out too much from all the other weird things I read. Idk, it was good, but I still think it had some problems.

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

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