E-Audio, 12:39:40
Narrated by: Brittany Pressley
Release Date: September 1, 2020
Published by: Penguin Random House Audio Publishing Group
Read from: October 19, 2020
American Royals, #2
Source: Library (Overdrive)
For fans of: Royals, Romance, Alternate History, Contemporary, YAIs America ready for its first queen?
Power is intoxicating. Like first love, it can leave you breathless. Princess Beatrice was born with it. Princess Samantha was born with less. Some, like Nina Gonzalez, are pulled into it. And a few will claw their way in. Ahem, we’re looking at you Daphne Deighton.
As America adjusts to the idea of a queen on the throne, Beatrice grapples with everything she lost when she gained the ultimate crown. Samantha is busy living up to her “party princess” persona…and maybe adding a party prince by her side. Nina is trying to avoid the palace–and Prince Jefferson–at all costs. And a dangerous secret threatens to undo all of Daphne’s carefully laid “marry Prince Jefferson” plans.
A new reign has begun….
I wasn’t going to write a review about this book, but then after I listened to it, I knew I had to. Especially if this is the last one. Everyone needs to hear all my gripes about this one.
America is getting their first Queen. But are they ready? Follow along with all the rest of the drama that’s happening at King’s College and the Palace. Like finding Nina finally falling for someone else, how Daphne is still a jerk, and so many other things. Can Beatrice keep it together to reign over her kingdom as well as keep all this drama in line?
OK I’m going to start off with what I liked. I decided to listen to this and not read it because I saw who was narrating it. Brittany Pressley is one of my favorites, and it doesn’t matter what it is she narrated, I’m going to give it a shot. She just has all the right inflections, the best accents, and Idk, I always get sucked into the story she’s reading.
Which is why I’m even writing this review. I was so annoyed with this. I really hope this isn’t the ending, because if it is, this conclusion didn’t answer anything. To be honest it raised more questions than anything else. Definitely not a plot for a conclusion. If it turns out that this isn’t the end, I will change the rating, but even still, not by much.
As for the characters, I had issues with them too. Daphne is still one of my least favorite character of all time. But in this book, I was so annoyed by her. **SPOILER** Like why did she decide to give the one person who deserved NOTHING, everything?**END SPOILER** And everyone else had to change plans and they still weren’t happy. I just thought it was a weird turn for this book.
This wasn’t what I was expecting and the plot and characters weren’t great, but it was still drama filled and entertaining. It did the job of me getting lost in a book thanks to the narrator, but I can’t say it was because of anything else. Someone update me if they say this isn’t the end of the series!
Overall, I give this

Same. What I read wasn’t bad, but it was not a finale. McGee messed with EVERYTHING and left us with no resolutions and just wondering about the future of everyone. If there was a 3rd book coming, I would have gone 4 stars. It was solid and felt like a middle book. I was so frustrated when I heard there were no plans for another book. No happy here.