Love Requires Chocolate by Ravynn K. Stringfield

e-Audio, 07:39:06
Narrated by: Jade Wheeler
Release Date: August 20,2024
Published by: Books on Tape 
Read from: August 24-25, 2024
Love in Translation, #1
Source: PRH Audio App (I received a copy of this e-audio from the publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
Content Warning: 
For Readers Interested In: Books set Outside the USA, Romance, Racial/Ethnic Diversity (Black), YA

    Whitney Curry is primed to have an epic semester abroad. She’s created the perfectitinerary and many, many to-do lists after collecting every detail possible about Paris, France. Thus, she anticipates a grand adventure filled with vintage boutiques, her idol Josephine Baker’s old stomping grounds, and endless plays sure to inspire the ones she writes and—ahem—directs!
     But all is not as she imagined when she’s dropped off at her prestigious new Parisian lycée. A fish out of water, Whitney struggles to juggle schoolwork, homesickness, and mastering the French language. Luckily, she lives for the drama. Literally.
      Cue French tutor Thierry Magnon, a grumpy yet très handsome soccer star, who’s determined to show Whitney the real Paris. Is this type-A theater nerd ready to see how lessons on the City of Lights can turn into lessons on love?


I know that people have said that Paris stinks and it’s not at all what people think it is. And yet, that has not stopped me from wanting to go. I till this day want to witness it myself. If you’re like me and you’ve never been, this book is a good alternative.

Let me just say, I have never cared about a croissant or a baguette or any of that, but the way Stringfield wrote this, it was like I was whisked away with her and eating a snack with her. She described Paris so well I’d be surprised if she’d never been there. And as someone who named her blog after books and their settings, I LOVED this about the book. And all of these places that I had never heard of, like the garden when she was lost? I just thought it was all very cool.

The romance in this one was also very sweet. I am usually not a fan of Enemies to Lovers, but I AM a fan of literally everything else about this, like the meet cute and the way they were flirting the whole time but acted like they weren’t. I thought it was adorable. I will say tho, their third act break up was weakkkkkkk. I just KNEW there was a set up or something. But no.

I did love her as a character tho. She was bright and bubbly and she made this story. And it was hilarious. That girl was a lot, but definitely in a good way. And there were so many quotes. She’s in the arts. I wasn’t surprised with her flourishes and stuff rither tho. I was surprised by the way she was with her mom tho. I wanted that to be explored more.,

This was a great book, but it did have it’s flaws. But this is one of those books where I didn’t mind so much. And i can’t believe this is a debut. Definitely a very cute, cozy romance that readers should add to their TBRs!

Overall, I give this

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