e-Audio, 11:17:21
Narrated by: Zenzi Williams
Release Date: May 21, 2024
Published by: Books on Tape (Berkley)
Read from: May 23-29, 2024
Source: PRH App (I received a copy of this e-audio from the publisher and their audio app in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
Content Warning: Grief, Mental Illness, Acephobia/arophobia, Cursing, Emotional Abuse, Panic Attacks/Disorders, Death, Death of a Parent, Alcohol
For Readers Interested In: Paranormal Romance, Adult, 2sLGBTQ (Asexual), GhostsLucky Hart has an affinity for the supernatural, but almost no one takes parapsychology seriously. She’s estranged from her family, has lost her friends, and has been rejected from graduate school—twice. But her big break finally arrives when she gets insider info about a troubled production company. Every actor on their new show mysteriously quits after spending three nights inside Hennessee House, an old Victorian with a notorious reputation.
This was on my most anticipated list for 2024 and I was so excited to see it appear on the PRH Audio app. But as I listened to it, I knew that this wasn’t for me. And I usually like Kann’s books. But the plot with this one wasn’t exactly fast moving.
The thing that got me was the slow burn plot. A lot of this book was repetitive. Like she was waiting in the house until night before she could find anything, and then the house made the stuff happen and then it repeated over again. Maybe it’s me and the haunted house thing that I don’t like? Idk. But the repetitiveness made this story go really slow. But I did like the things the house told us. The little details were cool, it just took them forever to let us know those details. And the book was entirely too long for all of this.
But the power she had was so cool! I wish there was more info about it tho. I really wanted to know the background and how she came about it, if anyone else in her family was like this and why, etc. But she didn’t do any of that. And I was left wondering why because we had this weird ass repetitive nonsense and it was long as hell and that’s what she could have used.
I did like the ace rep tho. I didn’t like that it came up at that random ass spot tho. I’m not from the community, so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt, but I thought it was weird we made it through the whole book almost before she mentioned it. I’m not saying like come out before she was ready, but she didn’t have any type of internal dialogue about it? Genuinely asking, was this because she didn’t think about it at all? Which I would get because I’m not part of the community, but people are all different.
I was disappointed because I really wanted to love this one. I was so excited for it. It wasn’t bad, but I think my hopes were too high this time if that makes sense. I wouldn’t say I didn’t like it, it just wasn’t what I was expecting it to be. Some readers will like this more than me tho!
Overall, I give this