Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco

e-Audio, 13:01:25
Narrated by: Marisa Calin
Release Date: September 27, 2022
Published by: Hachette Audio
Read from: October 7-11, 2022
Kingdom of the Wicked, #3
Source: Library’s Libby
TW: Death, Violence, Kidnapping, War, Gore
For Readers Interested In: Romance, Fantasy, NEW ADULT, Witches

      Emilia is reeling from the shocking discovery that her twin sister, Vittoria, is alive. But before she faces the demons of her past, Emilia yearns to claim her king, the seductive Prince of Wrath, in the flesh. Emilia doesn’t simply desire his body, she wants his heart and soul—but that’s something the enigmatic demon can’t promise her.
     When a high-ranking member of House Greed is assassinated, Emilia and Wrath are drawn to the rival demon court. Damning evidence points to Vittoria as the murderer and she’s quickly declared an enemy of the Seven Circles. Despite her betrayal, Emilia will do anything to solve this new mystery and find out who her sister really is.
     Together Emilia and Wrath play a sin-fueled game of deception as they work to stop the unrest that’s brewing between witches, demons, shape-shifters and the most treacherous foes of all: the Feared.
     Emilia was warned that when it came to the Wicked nothing was as it seemed. But, have the true villains been much closer all along? When the truth is finally revealed, it just might end up costing Emilia her heart.
     Two curses.
     One prophecy.
      A reckoning all have feared.
     And a love more powerful than fate. All hail the king and queen of Hell.

     From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Stalking the Jack the Ripper series comes the steamy conclusion to Kingdom of the Wicked trilogy.


Alrighttttt….. I have some feelings about this, so I’m apologizing now if I get rambly. I don’t really know what I want to say, but I feel like it’s getting too late to try and put a review out there so, here we go. Please bear with me and just ignore me if I don’t make any sense.

Ok, so first things first LMAO THIS IS NOT YA. There is like sex or sexual thoughts in every chapter. And I’m talking full on sex. Like in the first couple chapters there is oral and sw*****ing. No I didn’t care because I’m grown and I read it all the time, but I DO care because I’m a librarian. My library just bought copies of the last book and slapped a big YA on the online record. And now we’re going to have to pull in every book from the whole series and change them over to Adult. And on top of that, we’ll also have to beg Overdrive to change it too. Becauseeeeee whew.

Now that was from a Collection Development Librarian POV. Now from just a random reader….. I didn’t find anything wrong with it really, but chilllleeee “the D” is all that Emilia was thinking about. I’m talking from the beginning to the end of the book. But also I understand because Wrath IS Wrath. I dont’ blame her at all. But even still, I wish there was more action to counteract this.

This brings me to the “war.” Chile the war scene was not a war. They got ready to fight, and then she realized what she could do, did it, and then it was over. It was like what was the point of even getting everyone together? I was very disappointed. Normally when people read a war, they feel relieved that the main character was able to save the day. When I finished this I was like, “that’s it?” And the build up was hella weird too. Like her sister was acting a ass all around Hell and you didn’t care? I…… don’t know what’s going on. This is definitely a prime example of being blinded by the D.

Even Wrath wasn’t giving what needed to be gave in this one. He was quiet and didn’t really have much to say this book unless it had to do with Emilia. That’s the only time he showed his power. I wanted to see him lose his shit against everyone. I know the main character was Emilia, but the way they stayed joined (and I don’t mean at the hip lmao) I just thought there would be more than one scene where he actually showed he was a demon. Especially with all the ways her sister was doing all these weird ass things to them. I just didn’t understand.

The plot was….. LOL It was there, but it just wasn’t exciting. We saw that her sister was crazy as hell, but instead of exploring all the things she needed to do to defeat her, she was being distracted by other things. Like you know it is when there’s a a book that has another book in the series after it so it seems like a filler? That’s what this seemed like. It’s not actually far off, because I heard there IS a spin-off on the way….. I’ll tell you who it is if you message me. it’s a little spoilery.

The only reason I didn’t DNF it was because I enjoyed the romance? I liked seeing how they were after everything came to light. And the smut wasn’t bad. At least to me. I didn’t like that it was so awkward tho. Like it was to get information from someone and it was almost done with someone else? In public? While someone else is getting some on the stage? And then in another scene it was hella weird because she used the sex to open up some memories from the past. I thought that was weird, but I also wrote it off and finished the book.

Was it bad? No. Was it what I was expecting? Also no. Also, let me clarify, (because I know someone is going to assume) I read Katee Robert and have read half the Jaci Burton players series. Please understand that I don’t care about sex in books. But also remember that I buy books for young adults. Also remember that I am not censoring this because they will still be able to go to the adult section to find it. I took a long time to come to a conslusion for the rating. I found myself continuously wanting more and it disappoined me.

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her