Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky

Audio,  6 parts

Release Date: February 23, 2016
Published by: Scholastic Point
Read from: July 24-28, 2016
Source: Library (Overdrive) 
For fans of: Dark Humor, Contemporary, 

     Just know from the start that it wasn’t supposed to go like this. All we wanted was to get near them. That’s why we got a room in the hotel where they were staying.
     We were not planning to kidnap one of them.      Especially not the most useless one. But we had him—his room key, his cell phone, and his secrets.
     We were not planning on what happened next.
     We swear.
     From thrilling new talent Goldy Moldavsky comes a pitch-black, hilarious take on fandom and the badass girls who have the power to make—or break—the people we call “celebrities.”


     I have to be honest. I hadn’t heard about this book until it was already out. And even then I was torn on whether or not I wanted to read it or not because the cover was pretty plain, but the title was so cool lol But in the end I went ahead and read it after I met Moldavsky at TLA. 
     Four girls are altogether waiting to get into one of the biggest events of their lives; A concert for their favorite boy band. But then things spiral out of control and nothing goes as planned. But then things get a lot darker than what anyone expected. 
      This book was literally all over the place. I laughed and rolled my eyes and everything else. This book was all over the place and full of black humor. It wasn’t bad, but it was some pretty weird stuff they talked about. And then to see the chicks in it were like 15/16 and they cussed as much as me! I understand most kids nowadays really do that, but geez lol 
     I did like how entertaining it was though. So much was going with every page turn. (Technically I listened to it on audio but that’s beside the point.) I found myself genuinely wanting to know what was really going to come out of it. 
     The only thing I didn’t like was the way the characters were portrayed. One of them was described as being “fat.” Normally I would praise that for the diversity in body image, but when you describe her as also having a “suitcase full of popcorn” and basically saying no one else would love her so she “settled with the ugliest band member because he was the only one who could possibly love her” it kind of pissed me off. I wasn’t really a fan of that. The only reason I didn’t DNF right then was because I was already too invested in what had happened. I just chalked it up to the dark humor. But to be honest, it was more mean than funny. Just know, that the way she described Apple’s character is not ok. Let’s hope Moldavsky doesn’t treat any more of her characters that way. 
     There’s some things about this I would definitely change, but there were still some funny aspects to the story. In the end it turned out to be entertaining, but overall it wasn’t my favorite. 
Overall, I give this
(This will not contain any quotes because it was read via audio.)

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