Jamaal the IT Guy by Kasha Thompson

e-book, 172 pages
Release Date: June 18, 2024
Published by: Webster Avenue Publishing
Read from: May 25-June 2, 2024
Source: The Author (I received a copy of this e-book from the author in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
Content Warning: Cursing, Toxic family, Classism, Bullying, Misogyny, Toxic work & familial relationship
For Readers Interested In: Black Romance, Blerds, Realistic Fiction, Adult, Workplace Romance

      Some Workplace Crushes Make You Want To Clock In On Your Day Off.
      Winnie Chambers finds herself three months deep into a job she despises at a company she adores. Enduring a boss who oscillates between passive aggressive and outright rude, she feels more like a glorified errand runner than the executive assistant she was hired to be. Her only solace lies in her interactions with the fine IT guy, who she relies on to help with her perpetually malfunctioning laptop.
        Jamaal Singleton’s workdays follow a routine: staff meeting at ten, lunch with his work bestie, Risha at noon, and afternoons spent in his cubicle finishing up projects. But since Winnie Chambers arrived, Jamaal’s predictable work routine has been turned on its head. He now spends his days hoping she encounters an IT issue that requires his assistance, strategically wandering the office for a chance to catch a glimpse of her. He fantasizes about her smiling in his direction or confessing her feelings for him on a random Tuesday. At night, Jamaal finds himself drafting list of pros and cons about asking Winnie out on a date and the likelihood of success.
     Both Winnie and Jamaal arrive at work each day with the same thought in mind … a chance encounter in the elevators that leads to locked eyes and a passionate make-out session between the second and eighth floors. While they navigate their careers, they also must grapple with how to win over the other’s heart.


I remember coming across Kasha’s writing on accident lol I added Sight Unseen to my TBR because the cover caught my eye and y’all know I’m a sucker for weddings. And ever since I’ve been reading everything. So imagine my surprise when I saw this on TikTok and was like oohhh I’m excited for this. I forgot to send my email for confirmation on the ARC team, but it just showed up in my inbox and I didn’t ask any questions lol I just immediately downloaded it and was pleasantly surprised with Winnie and Jamaal!

I think the part I liked best about this was the fact that Winnie and Jamaal were so different. Winnie is so much more of a free-spirit and she was very whimsy. She was even raised by circus performers.Yes, you read that right lol And Jamaal had a very different background and was more serious and by the number. But he was a tech/coder whiz and I just find that so cool.

And Idk, Kasha’s writing is so good it was hard to even tell this was a novella. Like the main characters were fleshed out, the plot was there, and there was a clear romance plot line where the love interests meet and fall for each other. There was even a third act scary (it wasn’t exactly a break-up) and I was just so like in awe of how she fit all of that into a novella that was 172 pages! I did feel like the thing with the cousin was a bit unresolved, but again, this is a novella! And I didn’t actually think that dirt bag needed anymore time on my Kindle screen anyway.

As for the plot, I think Winnie and Jamaal were my favorites because I never knew what was coming next with them. There was no way you could have been able to guess what someone like Winnie would do next. But then when you read it, Jamaal was actually the unpredictable one. I would tell you what it was but that would be a spoiler so I’ll spare you the details lol But he was very much NOT who I thought he was. This sexy nerd could throw hands! And in case you didn’t know, fictional, nerdy, and still can whoop yo ass is apparently my type lol Anyways, they work together and have been secretly crushing on each other since they met. Winnie had been like been breaking her computer on purpose so she could see him and Jamaal wasn’t even supposed to be fixing it lol But he did lol It was (for lack of a better word) a circus

This dual POV workplace romance was so much fun! And the mention of the Sight Unseen threw me for a loop lol Here I been waiting for the second book in that series, so that got me excited. Hopefully there’s another *side eyes Kasha lol* I guess we shall see.

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy