It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey

e-Audio, 10:48:39
Narrated by: Charlotte North
Release Date: July 13, 2021
Published by: HarperAudio
Read from: August 11-14, 2021
It Happened One Summer, #1
Source: Overdrive Audio
For Readers Interested In: Contemporary Romance, Small town Romance, Adult

  Tessa Bailey is back with a Schitt’s Creek-inspired rom-com about a Hollywood “It Girl” who is cut off from her wealthy family and exiled to a small Pacific Northwest beach town… where she butts heads with a surly, sexy local who thinks she doesn’t belong. 
     Piper Bellinger is fashionable, influential, and her reputation as a wild child means the paparazzi are constantly on her heels. When too much champagne and an out-of-control rooftop party lands Piper in the slammer, her stepfather decides enough is enough. So he cuts her off, and sends Piper and her sister to learn some responsibility running their late father’s dive bar… in Washington.
     Piper hasn’t even been in Westport for five minutes when she meets big, bearded sea captain Brendan, who thinks she won’t last a week outside of Beverly Hills. So what if Piper can’t do math, and the idea of sleeping in a shabby apartment with bunk beds gives her hives. How bad could it really be? She’s determined to show her stepfather—and the hot, grumpy local—that she’s more than a pretty face.
     Except it’s a small town and everywhere she turns, she bumps into Brendan. The fun-loving socialite and the gruff fisherman are polar opposites, but there’s an undeniable attraction simmering between them. Piper doesn’t want any distractions, especially feelings for a man who sails off into the sunset for weeks at a time. Yet as she reconnects with her past and begins to feel at home in Westport, Piper starts to wonder if the cold, glamorous life she knew is what she truly wants. LA is calling her name, but Brendan—and this town full of memories—may have already caught her heart. 


I sometimes call myself an off and on Tessa Bailey fan. It’s normally when her covers are illustrated when I’m the most interested so I added it to my TBR. (Y’all know I’m a cover whore. Don’t act surprised lol) And of course the fact that it has been all over TikTok made me super excited to finally see this in my loans from the library.

Piper’s luck is quickly going to shit. She’s been dumped and now she’s been taken in by the cops because of a last minute party that grew to out of control. Her stepfather has no other choice but to teach her a lesson…. And that lesson includes sending her off to her birth father’s home, a small seaside town where she knows no one and none of them identify with her lifestyle. But she goes anyway and meets a sea captain who can’t get enough of her no matter how much of a screw up she thinks she is. But Piper is only there until she can find her way back to LA. Will she go back to what she knows or will she stay with her big bearded sea captain?

As usual I loved Tessa Bailey’s humor. Really jus the humor from Brendan. Piper was too much of an airhead for me. I felt like Bailey was being dramatic when she was first introduced. Like no one could really be that bad lol (Maybe lol) But in some places I was like yeah ok I get it. Because being honest, the first time I made ground meat I thought it looked like brains too lmao And to this day I still don’t like touching raw meat lol But that fire? It was a bit much yes, but I DIED laughing. If nothing else, this book was the light and fluffy that I needed after all those heavy reads I’ve had lately.

The romance was SO CUTE. I think I liked it so much because I am a lover of men that are big and bearded lol And being a sea captain, I know he was hella muscled. But besides that, I liked it because they were opposites. Opposites to me are always cute because they have nothing in common but they still find something to come together for. Each other. Now the spice in this one was good. I’d give it a 4 on my own spice scale. It was enough for me to look around and make sure no one heard what I was listening to in some parts lol

And the plot was great. That’s the thing I worry most about in romances. And most times I feel like if the romance is there and its on and popping, then the plot isn’t always there. And if the plot is there, there’s barely any spicy scenes and it’s mostly fade to black. This one was a good mix of the two and I appreciated that. And with that plot came a whole other love story as well. I can’t help but think the next book in the series is going to be some characters we saw in this one!

I knew I would like this book, so it was no surprise when I finished this in 3 days. And it only took that long because I was busy. Tessa Bailey’s rom coms are usually always a winner and this one was no different. I can’t wait to see what comes next in this series!

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

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