In Her Shoes #2

In Her Shoes is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Vanya at YA Story Teller. To participate, simply put yourself in the shoes of a heroine you’ve recently read about, and then talk about what you would do in her place, what you’ve learned from her, or what it was about her that you liked or didn’t like. 

     This week I want to use Sophie from the Hex Hall series by Rachel Hawkins. She everything you could want from a main character. She’s witty, sarcastic, and hilarious. In the series, she’s a very unique type of being but I won’t go into it here for spoilers. Throughout the series she goes through many different things that continue to change her, her opinions. If you haven’t read this series you’re missing out. 
     The reason I loved her so much because she reminded me of myself with her sarcastic nature and inability to stay out of trouble. But the number one thing I loved about her was the fact that she was one of those characters who taught you a lesson without trying to. She taught her readers that being different is normal and that its perfectly ok to be diffferent from everyone else. (Plus, Archer and Cal make for great reasons to love her as well lololol)
     If I were her, I would have handled a lot of the situations the same way she did. Because even though she stayed in trouble and her mouth was the cause of most if it, she was still helping her fellow community and trying to save the world like every other heroine. I guess I just liked that she never gave up. No matter the circumstances. 

One thought on “In Her Shoes #2

  1. Cute pic! I should start this series.

    new follower

    thanks for following

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