How I’ll Kill You by Ren DeStefano

e-Audio, 10:16:37        
Narrated by: Karissa Vacker
Release Date: March 21, 2023
Published by: Books on Tape
Read from: March 12-13, 2023
Source: PRH App (I received a copy of this audiobook from the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.)
TW: Violence, Murder, Foster Care Trauma
For Readers Interested In: Adult, Psychological thriller, Family Diversity (Triplets)

      Your next stay-up-all-night thriller, about identical triplets who have a nasty habit of killing their boyfriends, and what happens when the youngest commits their worst crime yet: falling in love with her mark.
     Make him want you.
     Make him love you.
     Make him dead.
     Sissy has an…interesting family. Always the careful one, always the cautious one, she has handled the cleanup while her serial killer sisters have carved a path of carnage across the U.S. Now, as they arrive in the Arizona heat, Sissy must step up and embrace the family pastime of making a man fall in love and then murdering him. Her first target? A young widower named Edison–and their mutual attraction is instant. While their relationship progresses, and most couples would be thinking about picking out china patterns and moving in together, Sissy’s family is reminding her to think about picking out burial sites and moving on.
     But then something happens that Sissy never anticipated: She begins to feel protective of Edison, and then, before she can help it, she’s fallen in love. But the clock is ticking, and her sisters are growing restless. It becomes clear that the gravesite she chooses will hide a body no matter what happens; but if she betrays her family, will it be hers?


Like I said in my immediate review on Goodreads…. This was the most WTFuckery I’ve read in a long time. Everyone in here was just too ok with all this killing they were doing. I just don’t know how they all just went along with this! But it made for a great story and now I’m definitely going to be on pins and needles until DeStefano writes another book because WTF lol

First things first, the plot. Although I wish we had some more indepth info about their backgrounds, I do understand why we weren’t given it. Like I need to know what dude did for her to start THIS. I hate to say this because they say this about women all the time, but this seemed dramatic af lol At the most they just deserved an ass whoopin, not all this that started. It just seemed super weird. And then there’s the fact that they have just been going on with this person. Like what?! How did no one say anything???? And the way they picked their victims? Making a man fall in love with you and then murdering them? It was so cray cray.

The characters were creepy. They put all their trust in only each other, and it backfired. I only half liked the MC because of the way she acted like she had her own brain. I say this because no one else in this book seemed to have one. Not even the boyfriend. All of them seemed to have someone else thinking for them, but the person thinking for them wasn’t all good up there to begin with. It was a lot.

I think the coolest part of this is the fact that Sissy is basically still a villain. I thought it was fascinating that even knowing that I still sympathsized with her because she was the one that changed her mind. She was the one with semi-good sense. I just didn’t know how to feel because I was actually rooting for her. And I wanted to. I think? Idk this book felt morally wrong and Idk how to change it lol

I don’t want to say too much because of spoilers, but I promise what you think is happening is not lol Just know that this is crazy and I don’t think I’m going to stop recommending this anytime soon. If you’re looking for more WTF did I just read, check out The Chain by Adrian McKinty. I flew through that book just like this one. Both were so so good!

Overall, I give this

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her