Frigid by J. Lynn

e-Book, 240 pages
 Release Date: July 15, 2013
Published by: Spencer Hill Company
Frigid, #1
Source: Bought
For fans of Romance, BFF’s to Lovers, Snow, Hot Literary Guys, Chick-Lit, NA

     For twenty-one-year-old Sydney, being in love with Kyler isn’t anything new. They’d been best friends ever since he pushed her down on the playground and she made him eat a mud pie. Somewhere over the years, she fell for him and fell hard. The big problem with that? Kyler puts the ‘man’ in man-whore. He’s never stayed with a girl longer than a few nights, and with it being their last year in college, Syd doesn’t want to risk their friendship by declaring her love.
     Kyler has always put Syd on a pedestal that was too high for him to reach. To him, she’s perfect and she’s everything. But the feelings he has for her, he’s always hidden away or focused on any other female. After all, Kyler will always be the poor boy from the wrong side of tracks, and Syd will always be the one girl he can never have.
     But when they’re stranded together at a posh ski resort due to a massive Nor’easter, there’s nothing stopping their red-hot feelings for each other from coming to the surface. Can their friendship survive the attraction? Better yet, can they survive at all? Because as the snow falls, someone is stalking them, and this ski trip may be a life-changer in more ways than one.

      For this book to be set somewhere in the snow, I guarantee that it couldn’t get much hotter. JLA has done it again. Now I have yet another super hot, super sweet fictional guy to add to my super long fictional love interest. 

     Speaking of hot literary guys, lets start with Kyler. Yeahhhhh he was a bit of a man whore, but he was a well protected one and he didn’t do half as much as Syd thought he did so I thought that was a plus. And then there was all the innuendos that ran through his head when he thought about Syd. <3 Gah every time he said something super sweet I fell for him all over again. I was so happy that JLA decided to do this in dual perspective because the chance to peek inside Kyler’s brain was priceless. 
     I also liked Syd. Although she was so quiet and annoyed me sometimes, it was only because she was being such a “girl.” With me the reader seeing both sides, I wanted her to know that she wasn’t alone and that Kyler loved her too, just so they could get their HEA. I found myself like talking to Syd out loud while reading. So much so my boyfriend asked me “who I was talking to” on the phone lol I had to get him to understand that I was fully into a book and not to bother me. 
     As for the romance, I loved seeing them finally together. I was so happy when they finally got locked in the cabin and I was so distraught when their little mix-up happened between them. I loved that they had been friends before they got together, not just friends, but life long best friends, and they knew so much about each other. It made them so much closer. 
     Lastly there was the creeper that was stalking them. I knew who was the one doing it, but I had no idea that it went that deep. Even though I liked it, I wish it was a little more suspenseful. But I understand that this was a contemp and it was focused more on Kyler err the romance. 
     In short, JLA has done it again. Captivated my heart with another guy and fully enthralled me into an amazing story. I was so into this book that I found myself reading it everywhere, including at work. And this probably wasn’t the best thing for people to catch me reading lol Now after reading this, I NEED to get my hands on her other NA title, Wait for You!

Overall, I give this

One thought on “Frigid by J. Lynn

  1. Hahaha I love this! Great review Nikki! I completely agree! I was yelling at Syd too! Luckily no one was home! 😀 And yes I'm so glad we got to see Kyler's thoughts. I am obsessed with dual POV books for that reason! I'm so glad you loved this one as much as I did!

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