Four Days of You and Me by Miranda Kenneally

e-ARC, 352 pages
Release Date: May 5, 2020
Published by: Sourcebooks Fire
Read from: May 3-8, 2020

Source: Edelweiss (I received a copy of this book from Edelweiss and the Publisher in exchange for a just and honest review. This did nothing to influence my review.

For fans of: Realistic Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Romance, YA

      A new swoon-worthy romance following a couple’s love story on the same date over four years.

     Every May 7, the students at Coffee County High School take a class trip. And every year, Lulu’s relationship with Alex Rouvelis gets a little more complicated. Freshman year, they went from sworn enemies to more than friends after a close encounter in an escape room. It’s been hard for Lulu to quit Alex ever since.

     Through breakups, make ups, and dating other people, each year’s class trip brings the pair back together and forces them to confront their undeniable connection. From the science museum to an amusement park, from New York City to London, Lulu learns one thing is for sure: love is the biggest trip of all.


When I saw Miranda Kenneally had another book coming out, I didn’t hesitate to click “Add to my TBR.” This And this book was everything I needed and more! It was different than her others, but still had her signature writing style. Definitely worth the read!

“How can one person be so annoying and yet so charming?”

Lulu and Alex have been circling each other for years. Most times they’re up, but sometimes they’re down. But somehow they always seem to come back to each other in the form of a kiss. And it always seems to happen on their school field trips. Are they meant for each other, or is love enjoying watching them circle each other and leave?

“Kissing him is a drug, making me lost my sense of balance.”

Reading this was like coming home. Its always so comforting to read a Miranda Kenneally book. It was like slipping on your favorite pair of jeans or some really holey pj’s. Definitely something you would love to do hundreds of times. Kenneally’s way of writing a romance makes me feel just as comfortable as coming home.

“Memories hurt is all.”

The writing style itself was also nicely done. Even with the bouncing back and forth and the insta-love aspect, I thought it was well done. Yes, even the insta-love was well done because (SMALL SPOILER) they aren’t together for a good while after that. (/SMALL SPOILER) So to me, that totally negates that fact lol

“Write the book you want to read, Lulu, and I guarantee someone else will want to read it too. You just have to get it into the right hands. In a way, maybe her advice goes beyond books. Be the person you want to be, and everything else will fall in into place.

One of the main reasons I didn’t give this 5 stars is the main character. I liked Lulu well enough, but she was so quick to point out what Alex was doing and make sure he was doing exactly what she wanted and all that, but she didn’t seem to look past that. Alex was a nice kid and I’m glad he spoke up about it. (That’s actually what ticked me off too. She got so angry at him for being mean, but really I think he had just bottled it up and like a shook up soda, he blew up.)

“Bad things can happen anywhere,”

And then there was the ending… Why in the world did it end there? I mean, there isn’t even an epilogue! I just felt like after all that back and forth between them, nothing was resolved. We don’t get to see what happens to them? [SPOILER] Yes they make a decision, but how’s it turn out? I know this is the “Happy For Now” theme, but I hate it. Probably why I’m reading more and more adult romance, so I can get the full HEA. [/SPOILER] It would have been ok it we got a glimpse of them in another book, like her Hundred Oaks series, but I think this is a stand-alone. And that just made me sad.

“Maybe it doesn’t matter where you are- maybe its who you’re with.”

Overall, I love Kenneally’s books and I love her even more. Anyone that can make me read and still like my least favorite romance troupe (insta-love) is definitely going on my fave authors list. I can’t wait to see what else she has in store for us!

Overall, I give this

Have you read any of Miranda Kenneally’s books before? Do you agree that they’re so comfortable and romantic? Let me know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Four Days of You and Me by Miranda Kenneally

    1. Thank you! I found them online and pieced them together. Trying to find some more vacay themed stuff to add on in other places.

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