The holidays are always one of my most favorite times of year! I love to see all the smiles and warmth as people exchange “Happy Holidays!” as they pass. But the real star of the show for me is almost always the food. And I am not shame. So basically, just like with the hot chocolate, I’ve been noticing that in all these holiday books that I’ve been reading, that all of these also have holiday celebrations that have some type of food that they love to share with their family or co-workers. Now usually my foodie fiction posts might have a book that’s specifically talking about food, but for this holiday edition I’m talking about the food that shows up at these holiday gatherings or something that they kept mentioning in the book.

For me and my family, the food we share are Christmas cookies! We have a designated day, the last Saturday before Christmas each year, to stay in and make cookies for Santa. We make about 3 dozen chocolate chip, 2 dozen peanut butter, 2 dozen oatmeal raisin, and 2 dozen sugar cookies that we cut out and decorate. This day has always been one of my favorites, seeing all the kiddos in one place and trying to figure out if their fork marks in the peanut butter cookies will come out right or if the sugar cookies are acutally cooked all the way through since they’re still pale when fresh out the oven. But this year, my mom unfortunately had a pipe thing happen at her house, so she passed the mantle to me this year. And honestly, it was time. (Although I’m still in shock that we’re the new adults lmao)

So since it was just me and my toddler this time (hubs was gone and we stay pretty far from the rest of my family) we didn’t do the homemade or from scratch thing this time. We didn’t even do the fancy cookie thing lol We did the pull apart cookies for the sugar cookies and the chocolate chip, but then I made the peanut butter, oatmeal chocolate chip (literally zero stores had any oatmeal raisin. I was fine, but my aunt was PISSED lmao) and gingerbread. The gingerbread were the most fun. I got cookie cutters and some icing and sprinkles so we could make actual gingerbread men. I wanted to make it fun because a lot of kids don’t usually like gingerbread because of the spice. But these were actually really good. I’ve been eating those more than anything lol

But being the new adult this year got me to thinking….. What other food/drinks do other people have during the holidays? So I went back to some of the holiday books I’ve read and looked for those with food or drink that stuck out to me the most! (Also free plug, last year and the year before I made some lists for my job that I think pair nicely with this blog post. You can find them here and here! Let me know if you go and check them out or check something out!)
So without further ado, here are the fictional foodies that I’ve read and now want most this year lol:

-“Hot Nuts” I worked at a place where they made those every year when I was in high school and as soon as they started working on them people would flock from the furthest place on the grounds to get some. They smell heavenly and I can imagine the draw to someone yelling to stop a car to get some.
-“Orange Anise Cake” Have I ever tried that? No. But they said it was her grandma’s famous cake so I immediately needed to at least try it lol Now I gotta find a recipe.
-“Cupcakes” More specifically, I need Sin’s cupcakes. With the magic and all.
-“Vanilla Crisps” I read the UK version and they called them crisps. But I think they’re like cookies. And listen the way they talked about it when she made them, that’s all I needed to know.
-“Latkes” I’ve never tried one before since I know they’re cultural. I would really like to at least once tho. If nothing else to see which topping I’d like best.
-“Pancakes” Again, this is another that I have had before, but they’re said to be famous in this one so I want THESE specifically lol
-“Peppermint Mochas” are usually my go to drinks. When I stopped going to that green coffee place I bought a bunch of syrups and tried making them on my own. I get her obsession. (But decaf?! NEVER)
-“Rudolph the Red Noses Cookies” Listen, IYKYK. It had to be good for them to still be thinking about it after meeting each other again lol
-“Peppermint Martini” I’m literally the only person in my house who likes mint so I would try this in a heartbeat lol Just for people to look at me like wtf lol
-“Coquito” My husband’s friend’s ex made us some like 2 years ago and she always calls us even now to see if we’d like some. The answer is always yes lmao
-“Bourbon Eggnog” Do I like eggnog? No. Would I be willing to try this anyways? Yes. The way the FMC talked about it and how she had this special kind of Bourbon made it actually sound good af. lolol

What about you? Have you read any of these? Will you read any now that today is Christmas/Night One of Hanukkah? Let me know in the comments!