Follow Saturday: What books would you save in a fire?

Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee’s View & Alison Can Read.    

The goal is to increase blog followers and make friends. Basically how it works is you follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. So looking forward to making new blogging friends & following blogs!

your house is burned down and you have time to select three books you own to take with you. what three books? 
        So I kinda scheduled this for the wrong day and didn’t realize it until it went up the next day. So, I’m just gonna keep it for today lol 

 This is a very hard question. I want to say some of my big name favorites like Harry Potter, but at the same time, I NEED more copies of those becausee my original ones are tore up from being read so often. But I also want to say some of my smaller favorites. So, I guess I’ll go with: 
Sentinel (Covenant, #5)I'll Meet You ThereScarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
1. My copy of Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout 
My copy is signed and Aiden is signed to me. I need the proof so when people say anything about him, I need them to know he’s mine. 
2. I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios
I LOVED this story. And let me tell you, even the acknowledgments made me cry. If I had no other reason to save it, I’d save it to give it to someone else to enjoy. 
3. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (my hardcover, my paperback, and my ARC)
In my hardcover I have Wolf signed for me, so basically no one can ever say that Wolf isn’t mine. My paperback has my blog in with a heart and a thank you from Marissa Meyer next to it, and my ARC is just a collectible. I loved them all and I wouldn’t want anything to ever happen to them. I love the rest of the series, but I think Scarlet will always be my favorite. 
What books would you save?!

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her