Follow Friday!

     Yay its Friday! Although that means absolutely nothing to me seeing as I work today, tomorrow, AND Sunday… Anywho, its Friday so that means its FOLLOW FRIDAY TIME!!! Here’s how it works: 

Feature & Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkiee’s View & Alison Can Read. Check out their blogs and the two Featured Bloggers of the week! This is great for finding amazing new blogs to follow and for gaining followers yourself!

This week’s question is: 
Who is your favorite book villain?

My Answer: 
     Wow, this week’s question is a doozy. Ironically I have a bunch of favorite villians. I actually did a whole Top Ten Tuesday post about this a while ago. (You can see that post HERE.) But, my FAVORITE one is actually the Lunar Queen Levana from the Lunar Chronicles series. I mean come on, compelling people (mind control) is one hell of a power to have! You could have anything! *ahem* Not that I would lose control like that, but you get my drift lol And dude, she’s from the moon. That’s awesome enough by itself lol 
Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2)

5 thoughts on “Follow Friday!

  1. She is pretty evil. She reminds me of Queen Beryl from the Sailor Moon series. Evil evil evil.

    Here's my FF

  2. Hmm..yes.. so powerful..but I still want Cinder to beat her 😀 here's my ff:

  3. Just hopping on thru…Happy Feature & Follow Friday!
    Have urself a great weekend!!

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her